Petzl Piranha takaisinkutsu

Kiipeily, Tuotteiden takaisinkutsut by / Toimisto-Jorma, 22.9.2022
Recall of PIRANA descenders (D005AA00 and D005AA01) due to a drowning risk if the rope accidentally gets blocked in the blocking slot. Immediately stop using the descenders affected by this recall.

Affected products:
  • PIRANA descenders D005AA00 and D005AA01 (see models in photo).
  • Serial numbers: between 19 F 0000000 000 and 22 A 9999999 999.
  • Sold from July 2019 to January 2022.
In certain situations, where the user lets the rope slide freely through the PIRANA to intentionally drop into the water, the rope runs quickly through the descender and can accidentally get blocked in the PIRANA’s blocking slot. The user is then stuck, and may not be able to remove the rope from this position. This situation can be dangerous, with a drowning risk, especially if the user is stuck under a waterfall or in a pool of water.

Decision to recall

New feedback from the field since our July 2021 safety alert (modification to the Instructions for Use) led to our decision to recall the affected PIRANA.
If you have a PIRANA that is affected by this recall, stop using it immediately and return it to our local after-sales service via our contact form. You will be offered a refund. Petzl will pay for the return shipping costs.

If you are in US or Canada, please find more details on the American CPSC and Canadian Government websites


What should I do if my PIRANA descender is affected by this recall?
  • Immediately stop using your product and contact your local after-sales service via our contact form for a refund, specifying the following in the field labeled “Your Message” the product serial number. The additional data will only be used for this product recall.

I am a user, what amount will I be refunded for my PIRANA?
  • Your local Petzl after-sales service will refund you the suggested retail price in your country.

Has this risk caused any personal injury?
  • To date, we are not aware of any personal injury related to the identified risk.

When will the PIRANA be available again?
  • We are working on a replacement product right now. We are currently unable to give an availability date for the new product.

Where is my PIRANA’s serial number?
  • Your PIRANA’s serial number is located on the frame of the product.

I don't use my PIRANA in aquatic environments. Should I return it?
  • Yes, we’re recalling all PIRANA products, no matter their usage environment.

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