Adventure Partners Ice climbing intro for two SPECIAL OFFER 6.2.2016

Adventure Partners Ice climbing intro for two SPECIAL OFFER 6.2.2016

140,26 + frais de livraison
TVA comprise 23 %
Les clients VIP n'obtiennent pas rabais sur ce prix.


Informations supplémentaires

Ce produit n'est pas disponible en ce moment.
Ce produit n'est pas disponible en ce moment.


Description du produit

SATURDAY 6.2. is our Ice Climbing demo day!

Trying ice climbing is for almost everyone - tou need a bit of an adventorous mind and basic strength and health.

Ice climbing intro is led by a professional ice climbing teacher and it is a safe and fun way to explore the world of ice climbing. You will be introduced towards climbing and rope techniques and safety procedures.

The intro is held at Pirunkallio (Devil's rock), the activity is for two hours and the price includes all the equipment needed for the climbing.

If further questions you can be directly in touch with Adventure Partners:



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