Vision Ace Skagit Intermediate Head

Vision Ace Skagit Intermediate Head

Vision Ace Skagit Intermediate Head
Vision Ace Skagit Intermediate Head

59,00 + frais de livraison
TVA comprise 24 %



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Description du produit
A floating head is without any question the number one choice for Skagit fishing. It is ridiculously easy to use and it will get the job done in most of the cases. In some places, however, the surface flow is so strong or complex that it will make the sinking of the fly to the killing zone very difficult or the floating head drags the fly too fast when you want to present it slowly. To solve these problems, you need to get the large diameter head under the surface and away from the strongest current layer. Unlike some of our distinguished colleagues in the industry, we feel that leaving a part of the head on the surface is not the right way to proceed and thus our head is fully intermediate. This comes handy especially on some of the Scandinavian rivers which can be truly fast moving and occasionally pretty deep. We might suffer a bit in the maneuverability of the head but we consider that a small price to pay when we can offer our fly just as slowly as we like in diverse conditions.

12 mois




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