Üldhinnang | (9 arvustused) |
To meet your everyday carry needs, OLIGHT brings you this high
performance EDC type LED flashlight -- S1 Baton. This compact
designed S1 belongs to the S series of Olight, with a max. 500lm output and a small side switch, which is perfectly compatible with CR123A and RCR123 battery. It is powered by the Cree XM-L2 CW LED and designed for portability, durability, reliability, and innovation.
1. Utilizing the newest Cree XM-L LED, the highest output reaches 500 lumens;
2. Four adjustable brightness levels, can be changed "low-middle-high–middle–low" in cycle, the moonlight mode can be accessed directly when the flashlight is off; double click the on/off button to activate strobe mode;
3. With strong magnet at the tail, the flashlight can be attached vertically on any iron surface;
4. With a two-direction invertible pocket clip, easy and reliable for use;
5. Stainless steel head ring, can bear higher impaction;
6. Flat tail cap allows convenient tail standing;
7. High efficiency constant current drive circuit; perfectly compatible with CR123A and RCR123 battery;
8. Battery reverse polarity protection.
Väike ja kerge, aga elektrit saab väikesest külast. Valgusvihu kuju sobib ideaalselt lähikauguseks tänu 22 kraadi laiusele kuumalale ja hajutatud valgus hämardub ühtlaselt äärteni, et hajutatud valgus ei moodusta häirivat teravat serva. Ainult levialal on terav serv. Tõenäoliselt on aga suurem osa valgusvoost koondunud levialasse, seega on valgustuse intensiivsus mõistlikult piisav ka kaugemate objektide valgustamiseks.
Olles veekindel, talub see pesumasina pöörlemist, kui juhtute unustama lambi püksitasku. Väike aku ei pea maksimaalsel võimsusel palju tunde vastu, seega pean müügile jõudes hankima uue Olight S2 Batoni suurema akuga.