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360swim SaferSwimmer Safety Buoy (PVC)

360swim SaferSwimmer Safety Buoy (PVC)

360swim SaferSwimmer Safety Buoy (PVC)
360swim SaferSwimmer Safety Buoy (PVC)

49,90 + gastos de envío
Incl. IVA 25.5 %


Fluorecent Green
No disponible

Color: Fluorecent Green

Tienda (Helsinki)en el estante0 uds
Disponible en tienda online0 uds

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Valoración general ()

The ISHOF SaferSwimmerTM Float is specifically designed to provide a safety aide for open water swimmers, serving three important functions without hindering performance or hindering your stroke.

The ISHOF SaferSwimmer™ Float keeps you or your children safe during most swimming activities. It basically works as an inflatable float which is attached on a band to your waist and is carried in the current behind you. Now you might be thinking, well, that is not that revolutionary. You are right, this simply is not, however, the beauty comes in the fact that the device does not cause you to swim slower due to its resistance behind your body. When you swim, your body creates sort of a turbulent wave channel behind you with water moving in the direction of your swim. In more scientific fluid dynamics terms, this turbulent wave creates vortices which in turn produce a low pressure area behind the swimmer which causes the water to move along in the direction of the swimmer’s swim. The ISHOF SaferSwimmer™ Float takes advantage of this water flow and is basically moved in the direction of the swim on top of the wave with very little resistance. It is very similar to the idea of when cyclists or swimmers are drafting behind each other in their open road/water races. The second cyclist/swimmer always works a lot less than the first who has to plow through the air/water to create the forward moving channel.

Another great feature is the bright orange color of the float. Being seen is a must in open water swimming, so any boats will go around the are you swim. Open water swimmers usually wear a colorful cap to accomplish being seen, however, those caps are quite small and with the head being in the water and waves going around your body, this is not ideal. The ISHOF SaferSwimmer™ Float with its 50cm long and about 20cm tall (when inflated) body makes a perfect statement in the deep blue since the orange color is hard to miss.

The ISHOF SaferSwimmer™ Float does not, however, have to be used only for swimming. Since it floats in a wake your body creates behind you, it is bound to float behind your kayak or a canoe, so if you are running out of space in the boat compartments or you just don’t have any, why not take the ISHOF SaferSwimmer™ Float along, fill it with the items you need to keep dry and let it float behind your boat while you paddle to explore near by coves.

Las dimensiones aproximadas del producto empacado o el paquete del producto son 190 x 360 x 25 mm.

0,39 kg(Incluye el peso del embalaje)

Timo A. comprador verificado, 7.8.2022
Valoración general
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Un buen flotador de seguridad para nadar en aguas abiertas.
Anónimo comprador verificado, 2.8.2022
Valoración general
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Flota bien si hay necesidad de descansar, y viene discretamente detrás. Al menos yo mismo no he notado que entre agua.
Anónimo comprador verificado, 4.8.2021
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La boya de natación es fácil de usar, unos pocos golpes son suficientes para llenar la boya, el enganche es bueno, salvo por un cuerpo más delgado, la circunferencia a pesar de apretar al último estaba suelta. La boya sigue bien. Cabe bien en la mochila cuando está vacío entre otros equipos, se seca rápidamente. Recibió una atención positiva de los que estaban en la playa y de los remeros. Aumenta notablemente la sensación de seguridad, permitiendo un largo baño.
Pirjo J. comprador verificado, 23.7.2021
Valoración general
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Cómodo de usar, no daña el baño. La mercancía permanece bastante seca, el agua entra un poco cuando la boya está mojada. Por razones de seguridad, puse el teléfono y otros en las bolsas de Minigrip.
Anónimo comprador verificado, 16.7.2021
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Va ligeramente hacia atrás, no interfiere con el baño. El cinturón se afloja en contra-ondas cuando la tracción es más dura y desigual de lo habitual.
Jussi O. comprador verificado, 11.6.2021
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Básicamente bien, pero no como tal completamente compacto. Tienes que agregar aire y poner el material húmedo en una bolsa seca.
Anónimo comprador verificado, 22.2.2021
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Raija R. comprador verificado, 26.8.2020
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Garantizado, el flotador, que es fácil de transportar y se empaqueta en un espacio pequeño, es muy adecuado para correr en aguas abiertas.
Henrik E. comprador verificado, 17.8.2020
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Basado en algunos usos, se ve bien y tal como esperaba.
Helinä M. comprador verificado, 11.7.2020
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Las toallas finas, la ropa de verano, por ejemplo, se ajustan bien al interior y se mantienen secas. Fácil de soplar aire en la bolsa después del llenado.
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