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ArtikelbeschreibungHydrostop permanently treats new flies with a floatant. Coming in a conveniently large container hundreds of flies can be treated, dozens at a time. Flies allowed to soak for 5 minutes and then dried overnight will float higher when they are used. Perfect for yarn-type indicators as well as pre-treating dubbing.
- Permanent waterproofing treatment for flies
- Large mouth container to treat dozens of flies at a time
- Great for waterproofing indicators, dubbing, etc
- Remove cap
- Fill container with dry flies, indicators, etc
- Let soak for 5 minutes
- Remove flies, indicator, etc and let dry overnight
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 150 x 50 x 70 mm.
Gewicht0,1 kg(Beinhaltet das Gewicht die mögliche Verkaufsverpackung)
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