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The Albarracin Bouldering & Bezas guidebook represents years of dedication and information compilation, focusing on one of the world's most stunning climbing locales.
The third edition boasts over 3,000 boulder problems across 33 distinct areas. Each map is meticulously reviewed using high-resolution aerial photographs, accompanied by detailed topos providing information and descriptions for every problem.
Additionally, the guide covers the sport climbing area near Albarracín town, bouldering circuits by difficulty and color in each area, and offers a comprehensive index of all the included boulder problems for easy reference.
Release date: Nov, 2021
Author: Roberto Palmer
Language: Español / English
Number of pages: 488
Format: Landscape
Dimensions: 210 x 148 x 33 mm
Weight: 1 kg
First edition: 2015
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 250 x 200 x 35 mm.
Gewicht1 kg
Herkunftsland Spanien
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