Gesamtbewertung | (10 Bewertungen) |
A highly efficient piece of camping equipment which is suitable for Trekkers, Hikers, Kayakers, Backpackers, Bikers, and all outdoors enthusiasts who need to keep their pack light. Also suitable for Car Camping and a Wilderness Survival Kit or Disaster Kit. This lightweight kettle fits neatly into a Rucksack or Backpack.
As there is no need to carry fuel, these kettles will keep your pack light and save you money at the same time - never worry about running out of fuel again! Using any naturally occuring solid fuel (sticks, pine cones, dry camel dung! etc.) this kettle will operate perfectly well, even in strong winds / storm and will bring 2 Mugs of water to a rolling boil within a matter of minutes.
Add our 'Trekker' Cook Set and Hobo Stove to turn the fire base of your kettle into a stand-alone Camping Stove. Please see our Accessories Category for these items. If more hot water is required (this kettle will easily boil water quickly for a party of 4-6 people), simply refill the kettle and place it back on the fire base and re-fuel the chimney again. The kettle will be boiled again within a matter of minutes where water can be used for more hot drinks, boil-in-the-bag, bathing, washing up, etc.Since 01 October 2017 our Aluminium 'Trekker' Kettles are Anodised. Anodisation is primarily used to toughen up the outer shell of the Aluminum. The process creates an Aluminium Hydroxide layer on the surface of the metal which makes it harder and more resistant to scratches and scrapes.
Fire Base & Drawstring carrying bag are included as Standard with each Kelly Kettle. The durable steel fire base inverts up into the bottom of our kettles to make the unit as compact as possible for transport and storage.
Please note: The Kettle has been designed to boil water extremely fast in all weather conditions using very little fuel. When filled with water, the Kelly Kettle should always be carried upright to avoid any spillage/leakage from the water spout or chimney top.
Older Kettles may have an Orange Rubber or Cork Stopper. These MUST ALWAYS be removed before using the kettle. The Kettle must never be boiled with these older stoppers in the spout.
Diameter | 14cm / 5.5 inches |
Item Weight | 0.54kg / 1.2lb |
Product Capacity | 0.6Ltrs / 21.1oz (UK) |
Kettle Height | 27cm / 10.6 inches (Packed) |
Gesamtbewertung | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Während eines Angelurlaubs in Irland im Jahr 1998 (mit niemand anderem als Mr. Kelly selbst (Padraig) - einem berühmten Angelführer am Lough Conn und einem Weltklasse-Forellenfliegenfischer - sah ich zum ersten Mal den 'Kelly Kettle' Ein schrecklich nasser und windiger Tag, und unsere Wasserdichtigkeit hatte uns im Stich gelassen. Wir waren durchnässt. Elend und kalt machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Schutz einer Insel zum Mittagessen, wo Padraig schnell seinen wunderbaren Kessel mit Seewasser füllte und kleine Stöcke sammelte. Totholz. Trotz starkem Wind und Schlagregen erreichte er innerhalb von Minuten ein rollendes Furunkel und servierte eine Teekanne mit kochendem Tee zu unserem Vergnügen. Ich war absolut verblüfft! Ich kaufte meinen Wasserkocher an diesem Abend und brachte ihn nach Hause. Ich gehe nie angeln oder Camping ohne es. Ich habe es auch bei Stromausfällen nach Stürmen verwendet, wenn es äußerst nützlich ist.