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EKA Firesharp is an innovative combination with two eyebrows and a fire steel. You sharpen your knife quickly and easily with the help of crossed carbide blades and the crossed ceramic rods give the edge the perfect final polishing. The fire steel consists of a foldable steel and a removable spark plug that works equally well in wet and dry. For the really nerdy, there is a morning alphabet on one side.
Tip; Recommend caution if you get to test a few sparks with the edge of the knife. A thin narrow fire steel is flexible with fragile. When using the sharp edge of the knife, you can damage or even cut the fire steel by mistake. So be careful and use precision!
Overall Length: 4.75 ″ (120 mm)
Width: 1.5 ″ (38 mm)
Thickness: 0.40 ″ (10 mm)
Weight: 4 oz. (113 g)
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 150 x 60 x 30 mm.
Gewicht0,113 kg(mit der Verpackung 0,15 kg)
Garantie12 Monat(e)
Herkunftsland Schweden
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