可用性即时发货. Some items of this product are available in our stock. You can order only as many items of this product as we currently have in stock or the amount arriving to us.
商店 (Helsinki): 自行车行动, 19, 仓库
商品描述 —
显示原文 骑行时天气并不总是晴朗。Redwood Merino Air-Con VLS 采用 Merino Air-Con 面料,在从山谷到山顶的所有条件下均表现出色。
- Merino Air-Con 140 超轻、透气、天然防臭,适合全年使用
- Mons 标准版型
- 高 V 领,非常适合骑行
- 放下尾巴以获得额外的覆盖
- 带拉链的后袋可存放贵重物品
- 隐形墨镜擦拭
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 90 x 25 x 90 mm.
材料Merinowool Mix,
Synthetic fiber性别Men袖长Long
重量0.3 kg(The product may have a light retail packaging.)
原产地 中文
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