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MSR Alpine Kitchen Set

MSR Alpine Kitchen Set

24,44 + 运费
原价 29,90 €
含增值税 25.5 %


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Rolled into a small, burrito-style pouch, the Alpine Kitchen Set is tuned to be light and compact enough to travel anywhere. It features an assortment of multi-use utensils and a few less common things that add very little weight and bulk, but much to your cooking pleasure and capabilities.

  • Alpine Spoon, Spatula and Strainer/Grater: Spoon is calibrated for common measurements, Strainer doubles and cheese grater and Spatula has serrated edge.
  • Alpine Salt & Pepper Shaker: Design is moisture resistant and holds plenty.
  • PackTowl® Dish Towel: The original travel towel absorbs four times its weight in water–over and over–dries fast and is built to survive years of abuse.
  • Alpine Cutting Board: Flexible design slips into case and rolls to protect contents.
  • Roll-Away Case: Durable fabric with multiple pockets for maximum versatility.
  • Plus: (2) Squeeze bottles.

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 200 x 170 x 100 mm.

0.294 kg
(包含内包装重量 0.326 kg)

36 个月

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