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Hennessy Hammock Supershelter four season insulation system for Explorer Deluxe Asym

Hennessy Hammock Supershelter four season insulation system for Explorer Deluxe Asym

129,00 + 运费
含增值税 25.5 %


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Package includes UnderCover, UnderPad

Hennessy Hammock users have been continually encouraging us to come up with a Hennessy designed solution to the insulation issue. Hennessy Hammock users have generously shared many of their ideas with us. We have received many letters and photos of insulation ideas for the hammock which range from super-simple, ultra -low-tech inflated garbage bags and bubble wrap to more beautiful and ingenious high-tech solutions such as down quilts with differentially radiused baffles which would likely retail for more than the hammock if they ever went into production.

0.57 kg(重量包含任何内包装的重量)

12 个月

顾客服务专员 Lasse R. 已验证的买家, 22.10.2009
状况。该系统在挪威哈尔斯塔以东 68º 33’ 37.12’’N、16º 58’.54’’E 的区域进行了测试。最初温和的气温普遍存在,在冰点附近波动,导致冻雨、雨夹雪和雪。虽然这不是后来遇到的极寒,但由于冻融效应和空气中的水分含量加剧了寒冷,因此考验要多得多。遇到的最低温度为 - 18ºC (0ºF) 静止空气,估计为 -30ºC (-54ºF),有风寒。遇到的最大降水量是 6 小时内 7.5 厘米(3 英寸)的雪。单击此处阅读完整评论。 ...结论。 Hennessy Hammock 隔热系统能够在低至 -12ºC (10ºF) 的极端寒冷天气环境中为单独的旅行者提供支持(经过测试的形式)。这取决于所使用的睡袋,舒适区低于测试中使用的睡袋同样会降低 -12ºC 的数值。该数字也将通过以下方式减少:(1) 为 Under Cover 添加绝缘材料,例如备用衣服/合适的植被,(2) 使用 Over Cover,以及 (3) 一种烹饪解决方案,它也可以加热生活空间......但是,对于那些在极寒环境中舒适操作的人来说,该系统在所有方面都可以工作,除了可以做饭的方法,但必须有解决方案。
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