可用性 即时发货. Some items of this product are available in our stock. You can order only as many items of this product as we currently have in stock or the amount arriving to us.
隆重推出 Devold Hovland 男士美利奴 T 恤,采用优质美利奴羊毛制成,具有卓越的舒适度和性能。这款 T 恤采用经典圆领设计和平式锁缝接缝,增强耐用性,提供无与伦比的透气性和温度调节功能。其弹力面料确保全天穿着舒适贴合,而美利奴羊毛的天然防臭特性让您感觉清新。无论您是去郊游还是在家闲逛,Devold Hovland 美利奴羊毛 T 恤都是您多功能且可靠舒适的首选。
尺寸和款式 适合: 常规
材料 100% 美利奴羊毛,无纺丝
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 290 x 150 x 50 mm.