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The Microraft series is a classic packraft type. After a long product testing period and regards to customer feedback, MRS improved the technology and redesigned the balance of the bow and stern in the Microraft series. The redesign resulted in a packraft with a sharper and more streamlined appearance and significantly reduced water resistance. Our redesign also guarantees better buoyancy of the front hull, which means more luggage can be carried.
Even though this raft is light and nible, the raft can carry 150kg (paddler + baggage). Simplified this means one paddler, one weeks worth of kit, furry friend or even your fatbike.
The idealogy of a packraft is for it to be a long term companion on your adventures. So durability is of the product is essential. This means your raft is more than suitable for white water, still water, inflating and deflating. Obviosly your precious packraft does not fire.
The Microraft is a very good option for trekking, hunting or fishing enthusiast. Even the common city slicker will find this product perfect for evening paddles on the water close to the city.
The raft comes with a spray cover. This however is not 100% waterproof. It does keep most of the water out but some will still get into the raft.
Whats in the package? Well the packraft itself (obviosly), removable fin, spray cover, a filling bag and also some patches if you were to get a puncture. The glue itself is not included so make sure to pick up a tube of that. The Melomo patch-kit is a fantastic piece of kit for you to carry with you on your travels.
Buoyancy: 150kg
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- 当波浪不大时,湖上的渡轮运行良好。在较大的波浪中,一旦您学会了适当的划桨技术,木筏就能正常工作。如果你的身体素质足够的话,你也可以完美地进入相反的波浪。在海浪中,一开始我有晕船的症状,但过了一会儿就习惯了晃动。湖上唯一的缺点是木筏对风/浪的转向很敏感,如果你停止划桨一段时间就会继续航行。
- 在河上,渡轮的转向非常聪明和灵敏。在平静的水中和水流中都可以划桨。该渡轮在相对较浅的急流中也表现良好。尽管有时渡轮触礁触底,但进展仍在继续。经过急流之后,筏子底部的塑料依然完好无损,所以岩石接触至少没有对筏子造成更严重的损坏。
- 由于其轻便,在森林/沼泽中携带木筏也令人愉快且轻松。
- 总的来说,购买木筏是一个很好的决定,背包旅行将为我的航海爱好带来新的机会。
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在购买 MRW Microraft 之前,我观看了很多 YouTube 视频。顾名思义,Microraft 是一种较小的包装筏。它有不同的尺寸。我身高196,选的是L码。有用。我的腿有足够的空间,有时我什至会带着一只小狗。他可以坐在我的两腿之间或我的后面。到目前为止,我只在湖上使用过 Microraft。也可以做白水。然后使用喷雾裙。 Packraft 很快就设置好了。我需要大约 15 分钟才能浮出水面。有一个充气袋。您需要大约三个填充物才能将包装筏填满。使用充气袋很容易,但需要一些练习。使用手动泵或肺部获得的最终压力。调整船的状态很重要。这意味着,你把它放在水面上,这样微型筏中的空气就会冷却到水的温度。可能会损失一些压力,并且必须添加更多空气。 Packraft 有一个巡洋舰甲板,可以从背面和右侧下方拉开拉链。您可以将其卷起并用两条魔术贴带将其存放在前面。也可以将其完全去除。当您想要激流或下雨天时,巡洋舰甲板是必须的。当您在平静的水面上划桨时,它还能让您保持干爽。不过,有了巡洋舰甲板,就不会有太多的空间容纳狗了。如果您有行李,可以将其固定在巡洋舰甲板的前部。