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Primus Micron Stove

Primus Micron Stove

39,92 + 运费
原价 49,90 €
含增值税 25.5 %


商店 (Helsinki)有现货0 件
可立即在网店上购买0 件

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Ultralight and compact, the Micron Trail Stove is the stove of choice for weight conscious backpackers.

This compact stove folds down to a tiny footprint of 60mm x 42mm package that easily fits into almost any pack pocket. Unfold and attach your Micron Stove onto your gas canister and you can have your lightweight stove up and running in a matter of minutes. The narrow high speed flame is wind resistant and provides a 2600 W)flame that can boil a liter of water in three and a half minutes. The regulated valve ensures a consistent flame and flow of fuel from your gas canister (from full to empty) in any type of weather.

Easily break down your stove by simply removing the burner, folding and stowing it in it’s nylon storage bag (included).

Weight: 85 g
Height: 82 mm
Diameter: 126 mm

Gas NOT included.

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 130 x 90 x 130 mm.

0.085 kg
(包含内包装重量 0.15 kg)

24 个月


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