A tent is often a major investment, so you need to choose well to make sure you end up with the tent that’s right for you and your needs. Below, we offer some points that will hopefully make it easier to compare Helsport tents.
When we talk about one-, two-, and three-person tents, the number of people is calculated so that there is just enough space for the specified number of people to sleep side by side in their sleeping bags, but that’s about it. If you choose a three-person tent for three person, it may feel a little cramped when it’s time to cook or fit all the kit inside. This is important to keep in mind when choosing the size, especially if you plan to spend time inside the tent with a group, bring gear inside, and live a bit more spaciously.
It's also good to note that tents come in both rectangular and tapered designs. Therefore, it's worth considering the most suitable sleeping pads for the chosen tent.
Many of Helsport's tent models are available in multiple sizes, meaning the same model can be found in versions designed for different numbers of people.
If you primarily camp during the summer season, the need for space inside the tent is not as significant as in colder and harsher conditions, because you generally spend more time outside the tent and only use it for sleeping. Additionally, you tend to have less gear in the summer compared to late autumn or winter.
In winter, it is recommended to choose a tent one size larger than what you initially thought based on the number of people. This is due to the amount of gear and the fact that winter equipment takes up more space, from sleeping bags to pads and clothing, etc. For three winter campers, a four-person tent is definitely recommended. Additionally, if the weather turns challenging, it's good to have enough space inside for the whole group to be reasonably comfortable.
Consider how much extra space you want in the tent's vestibules or apses. In harsh weather and rain, it can be nice to cook under the shelter or temporarily house a wet, swamp-smelling dog in the vestibule. Some people also choose to store their gear under the apses instead of inside the tent.
The Helsport Lofoten series includes spacious tunnel tents. The Pro version of Lofoten impresses with its perfect balance of lightness and durability, and it is designed to function in all four seasons. The Adventure SL (Super Light) version is in a class of its own in terms of lightness, with the two-person version weighing only 2.14 kg. It doesn't weigh much or take up much space in the backpack, and its practical, well-thought-out features delight any camper. The Scouter is profiled as a high-quality general-purpose tent when you need reliable shelter on your trips. Guaranteed Helsport quality at a slightly more affordable price.
Helsport's extremely functional dome tent series. The benefits of a dome tent include easy setup, the ability to pitch it on challenging surfaces like rocks where tensioning the tent fabric is more difficult, and above all, the comfortable sitting height inside the tent. Reinsfjell is available in two- and three-person Pro versions, which are suitable for four-season camping, as well as ultra-light Superlight versions.
Helsport's lightest and most minimalist tent series includes compact one- and two-person tents. The two-person model is available in a sturdier Pro version, suitable for four-season camping. Additionally, the extremely lightweight Superlight version is available for both one and two people. The one-person Superlight tent weighs only 1.04 kg. So, not much at all. Moreover, it can handle proper weather conditions in three seasons and still perform excellently.
Helsport's lavvu tent series includes Varanger, Pasvik, and Finnmark. All tents are available in different sizes, meaning they are designed for different group sizes.
Helsport Varanger
Camp models: A four season lavvu with a widened entrance the form of which prevents rain from entering the tent when the entrance is open. Two extra windows in the entrance bring more light into the tent, while the mosquito net and several ventilation openings keep the tent interior pleasant. You can add extra comfort with a footprint, an inner tent, and a lavvu stove which are sold separately.
Basic model: Practically the same but with a normal-sized entrance and fewer ventilation openings and windows. This brings lightness and simplicity to the tent.
Helsport Pasvik
Pasvik is absolutely one of the most lightweight lavvus with a centre pole. The tent material is fireproof. Three sizes.
Helsport Finnmark
A four-season lavvu tent for a demanding user in demanding conditions. This model includes the whole package of whatever you might need: an inner tent, an outer tent, an aluminium centre pole, a tent base, 30 pegs, a repair kit (incl. fabric, needle, thread, repair bushing for tent pole). Can be used with a Helsport stove.
Helsport guide for choosing a tent can be found on the Helsport website.