Run for these discounts: sneakers up to -30% off!

时事通讯 by, 5.10.2023

On the run

Attention all runners regardless of terrain choice: we are now serving a great selection of the best running shoes from the best brands for the very best price.

We have several models from Hoka, On, Saucony and Salomon -20% off, some even more discounted from their normal prices.

> These prices are valid until the end of Sunday 8 October 2023 online and in store.

In this spectacular brand review, we proudly present our best sneaker brands with quick links to each brand's  (discount priced) running shoes.

Hoka means "to fly high above the ground" in the Maori language.

Founded in 2009, the brand Hoka One One is best known for its running shoes, where the sole is designed to promote natural stability and an efficient stride.

On's slogan "running on clouds" reflects their philosophy in product development, the goal of which has been to bring extremely light and high-performance running shoes to the market.

Founded in Zurich, Switzerland in 2010, the sneaker brand is known worldwide as a manufacturer of revolutionary and very high-quality running shoes and sportswear. 

Salomon was founded in 1947 by a guy whose name happened to be Salomon. The globally known mega-brand offers the best possible toys for sporty leisure time to people who are on the move, but often so busy.

Founded in the United States in 1898, Saucony is a credit tool known worldwide among the running community. Saucony's top-class shoes offer excellent cushioning, flexibility and durability for athletes of all levels.

So enjoy running along the autumn trails or -tarmac with extremely attractively priced running shoes!

And that's not all folks. Don't forget to browse through these as well:

Our shop in North-West Helsinki is open as follows:
Mondays to Fridays 10-20, Saturdays 10-18 and Sundays 12-18.

The telephone and e-mail customer service is open:
Mondays to Fridays 9-18
+358 9 454 0707,

Wishing you all the best time outdoors

Kind regards


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