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Garmin Edge 530

Garmin Edge 530

Garmin Edge 530
Garmin Edge 530
Garmin Edge 530
Garmin Edge 530
Garmin Edge 530
Garmin Edge 530
Garmin Edge 530

269,00 + poštovné
Vrátane DPH 25.5 %
VIP-zákazníci nemajú zľavu na tento produkt.


Predajňa (Helsinki)dostupné na predajni0 ks
Okamžite dostupné v internetovom obchode0 ks

Kód objednávky
Čiarový kód

Maximálne množstvo produktu, ktoré je možné objednať, odpovedá množstvu, ktoré je na sklade. Nie je možné vložiť do košíka viac produktov, ako je dostupných na sklade.
Približne 14 - 30 deň/dní od objednávky. Spoľahlivosť odhadu je celkom dobrá.

Skladová dostupnosť
Chcem dostať upozornenie, keď bude tento produkt znovu dostupný.

Celkové hodnotenie ()

Popis produktu
Performance GPS cycling computer with mapping
  • Dynamic performance monitoring provides insights on your VO2 max, recovery, training load focus, heat and altitude acclimation, nutrition, hydration and more1
  • Cycling safety features2 include new bike alarm, group messaging and tracking, incident detection and compatibility with Varia™ rearview radar and lights so you can see and be seen
  • Includes routable Garmin Cycle Map with popularity routing — which helps you ride like a local — plus off-course recalculation and back to start; mountain biking model has integrated Trailforks data, including trail difficulty ratings
  • Customise with free apps, widgets and data fields from the Connect IQ™ Store
  • MTB dynamics track jump count, jump distance and hang time as well as Grit, a measure of the ride’s difficulty, and Flow, which tracks the smoothness of your descent so you have a score to beat next time
  • Battery life: up to 20 hours with GPS; extendable up to 40 hours with the optional Garmin Charge™ power pack or in battery save mode

Take your training to the next level

Edge 530 goes beyond data collection — providing dynamic performance insights that can help you beat your best. See how your body is holding up in different environments with heat and altitude acclimation1. Get in-ride notifications when it's time to hydrate or eat. See if your most recent training was balanced in terms of endurance, threshold and high-intensity efforts. When paired with compatible sensors, Edge 530 now displays your power curve, comparing your ride effort to your previous weeks and months. No matter where you train, you can sync structured workouts from TrainingPeaks™ and our online fitness community, Garmin Connect™, right to your Edge. You can also view your upcoming training for the week and launch into the relevant workout seamlessly when required.

Ride with confidence

Whether you're training with riding buddies or commuting to work, your Edge 530 device takes safety seriously. It allows for group messaging and tracking, so you can stay in touch when you get separated from the pack2. It also has incident detection, which automatically sends your location to emergency contacts if it detects an incident. For even more awareness, pair Edge 530 with our Varia rearview radar and lights so you can see and be seen. And the new PIN-protected bike alarm will notify you on your smartphone if your bike is moved while you're inside getting water or making a pit stop.

Navigate every turn

Edge 530 is preloaded with the Garmin Cycle Map, including turn-by-turn directions and navigation alerts that notify you of upcoming turns. To help you ride like a local, popularity routing chooses from the roads and trails most travelled by fellow cyclists. Edge 530 is smart enough to guide you back to the route — or back to start — if you deviate from it or decide to head home early. With route calculation speeds 2 times faster than previous models, you'll spend more time riding, not waiting around.

Tame the trails

When you need a change of scenery, Edge 530 is your go-to guide for mountain biking. Start by downloading the free Trailforks app from our Connect IQ Store and then unlock the Trailforks map content on your Edge. Featuring trails from more than 80 countries, Trailforks includes the best, most up-to-date information, including trail conditions, heatmaps and more. When you stop mid-ride, the new Forksight mode automatically displays upcoming forks in the trail and gives you context by showing where you are within a trail network. During the ride, Edge 530 tracks the epic details with new mountain biking metrics such as jump count, jump distance and hang time. Other mountain biking features include Grit, which rates the difficulty of a ride using GPS, elevation and accelerometer data, and Flow, which measures how smoothly you descend a trail so you have a score to beat next time.

Climb like a pro

Climbing can become your secret weapon with Edge 530 and the new ClimbPro feature. It automatically shows the remaining ascent and grade when you're climbing while following a route or course. This shows you how much you have left to suffer, helping you gauge your effort over the remainder of your ride.

SHIMANO STEPS eBike system

Pair a compatible Edge cycling computer with a supported SHIMANO STEPS eBike system, and receive a dedicated eBike status screen, data fields and support for system status and warning messages. In addition to Edge metrics — such as time, distance and speed — you can also view your assist level, gear position, battery life and remaining range during a ride.

Customise your device

Only Garmin lets you customise your device with free apps, widgets and data fields from the Connect IQ Store. Apps such as the AccuWeather MinuteCast let you know when the rain will stop so you can determine the ideal time slot for your ride. If you plan your rides on sites such as Strava, Komoot or Wikiloc, download those apps so you can have your favourite routes imported directly to your Edge. Or if you're looking for a nearby café or bike shop, use the Yelp app to download their locations, and route directly to them on your Edge device.

Približná veľkosť zabaleného produktu alebo predajného obalu je 60 x 160 x 180 mm.

Tento produkt je doručovaný iba nižšie uvedenýmispôsobmi:
- Vyzdvihnutie na predajni
- Doručenie na adresu (DB Schenker)
- Doručenie na adresu (Matkahuolto Jakopaketti)
- Doručenie na adresu (Posti)
- Doručenie na adresu (Posti ráno)
- Doručenie na adresu v dohodnutý čas (Matkahuolto Kotijakelu)
- Doručenie na adresu v dohodnutý čas (Posti Home Parcel)
- Europaleta, počas pracovných hodín
- Europaleta, v dohodnutý čas
- Expresné doručenie na adresu (DHL Express Worldwide)
- Obálka so sledovaním
- Pickup from parcel point (DPD)
- Pickup from parcel point (Matkahuolto)
- Pickup from parcel point Posti
- Posti freight to doorstep
- Rollkontajner, počas pracovných hodín
- Rollkontajner, v dohodnutý čas
- Špeciálna paleta
- Vyzdvihnutie na výdajných miestach R-kioski alebo K-Market (DB Schenker)
- Vyzdvihnutie v balíkomate (Posti)
- Vyzdvihnutie v balíkomate (PostNord)

0,36 kg
(spolu s predajným obalom 0,362 kg)

24 mes.

Krajina výroby

Timo M. verified buyer, 9.1.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Naučíte sa používať menu s veľmi malým tréningom. Zdá sa, že funkcií je viac, ako by som osobne potreboval. Správna kľuka na tvrdú kľuku. Ja osobne dotykový displej nepotrebujem, takže tlačidlá sú v pohode a sú dosť citlivé. Myslím, že som dostal svoje peniaze.
Teemu P. verified buyer, 14.11.2023
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Praktický merač a navigácia. Tlačidlá sú prehľadné. Na enduro prácu som dotykový displej nechcel. Všade sú však sračky.
Anonym verified buyer, 30.3.2023
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Funkčný cyklopočítač.
Anonym verified buyer, 19.2.2023
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Garminovaná kvalita Garmin 👍🏻
Arttu K. verified buyer, 28.10.2022
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Funkčné zariadenie. Zaznamenávanie cvičenia a sledovanie trasy funguje dobre a batéria vydrží dlho. Klávesy sa dajú používať aj v rukaviciach, kde sú body v porovnaní s dotykovým displejom.
Kaj K. verified buyer, 12.4.2022
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Dobrý a jasný displej, dobre spolupracuje so zadným radarom.
Pertti M. verified buyer, 21.3.2022
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Produkt som si objednal hlavne kvôli navigácii na denné cyklotúry. Vrátil som ho však, lebo sa k nemu celkom nehodila. Mal som pocit, že sa to používa trochu ťažko a obrazovka je príliš malá. Na trhu bolo nájdené lepšie zariadenie pre toto použitie: Hammerhead Karoo 2.
Juha K. verified buyer, 5.3.2022
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Dobré meradlo, pokiaľ poznáte všetky zložitosti, ktoré ponúka.
Lari K. verified buyer, 11.2.2022
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Všestranné GPS na bicykel. Prechádzať nastaveniami je bez dotykového displeja dosť zdĺhavé, ale inak dobrý balík.
Annika R. verified buyer, 7.9.2021
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
S niekoľkoročnými skúsenosťami sa zdá, že ide o riadne kvalifikované zariadenie. Rozhranie si vyžaduje určité učenie, ale zápletku dokážete zachytiť veľmi rýchlo. Export trás do vášho zariadenia je jednoduchý s Garmin Connect.
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