The LIFESAVER C2 is a 750 litre water bowser containing the provenLIFESAVER nano filtration technology. Each kit will deliver 2 million litres of safe, sterile drinking water. The LIFESAVER C2 produces clean water at up to 12 litres per minute; ideal for schools, hospitals and humanitarian camps where traditional infrastructure is not possible.
The LIFESAVER C2 incorporates the patented and proven LIFESAVER technology – being the only water filtration technology to remove all microbiological waterborne pathogens including bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites and fungi from water without the need for any chemicals or the need for power or UV light.
The LIFESAVER C2 has a bespoke aluminium stand and step package that can be purchased to support the LIFESAVER C2 allowing it to be used on a variety of surfaces. The stand has been designed to exceed UK Health and Safety and Working from Height Regulation Inspection Standards.
Keď sme išli na exkurziu, kúpil som si také auto. Má pohodlnú veľkosť, keď vezmete celý kufor, a stále sa zmestí do puzdra na rezervné pneumatiky Trangia. Po návšteve nechajte ruky mávať zadkom. Tovar tiež dorazil naozaj rýchlo za 63 dní, teda v sľubovanom čase. Dá sa na neho spoľahnúť.