Celkové hodnotenie | (2 hodnotenia/hodnotení) |
The Neptune Space G.divers mask is available in 2 sizes and 4 color options (emerald, blue, white and pink) and includes an integrated balanced 2nd stage regulator and low pressure hose. The patented bellows style face skirt, molded from premium grade silicon rubber, uses a “spring profile” and large sealing surface, double size of conventional masks (30-45mm), to achieve a very comfortable fit and ample support. This “spring” effect is a combination of the double “S” section and the inner support ribs which allows the G.divers FFM to “float” comfortably on the face. The head strap is directly attached to the face shield, allowing pressure to be distributed equally along the mask skirt. The six straps of the head harness hold the mask in a firm position due to their low elasticity. The tip of each strap (rubber) is wider, making them easier to grasp while wearing neoprene gloves. The FRB II (fast rotating buckle) allows the mask to be donned and doffed quickly. These unique face seal and strap concepts are OCEAN REEF patents.
Noni! Maska má na oboch stranách akúsi sponu na nos s balónikmi. Poďme otestovať s maskou na vyrovnanie tlaku dvoma rôznymi spôsobmi a skôr ako sa vyberiete do hĺbky, vyskúšajte svoj obľúbený spôsob na povrchu. Pod povrchom je to trochu ťažšie napraviť ... - nos medzi guľkami, aby ste ich mohli zavrieť nosom a vyfúkať smerom k nosu - ak v ňom použijete väčšie guľôčky, môžu vám navštíviť nozdry, aby ste dostali nozdry tlačte na väčšie gule a vyfúkajte ich otvorenými ušami :) Príďte na návštevu, aby ste dostali pokyny, ak chcete.