Celkové hodnotenie | (13 hodnotenia/hodnotení) |
BushBed hammock – it’s a big, comfortable and light hammock with a mosquito net. “One pull & click” – an easy-operated mosquito set up system, handy pocket just above the head (to keep a headlamp, phone or other valuable things) and low weight place it among the best travel hammocks. It’s a big, comfortable, and light hammock with a unique mosquito net system that protects against insects and morning sunlight. BUSHBED works perfectly during traveling along with the bush or forest, at the seaside, or just in the garden. When you comfortably lay in, just pull the cord and the mosquito net will slide out. Then just click the buckle to finally close the net and you are fully protected against the insects.
Mosquito net
The mosquito net has a mesh of 1 mm pore diameter, making it perfect protection against even the smallest insects such as flies, black fleas, or young ticks. Its density and the special thread used in the net makes it impossible to chop down twigs, grasses, and other trash. It can be spread over the full or only the part of the length of the hammock. The mesh is on 2/3 of the mosquito net, while the rest of the overhead is covered with a hammock material. The canopy protects against direct sunlight, moisture, dust, and gives a pleasant sense of intimacy. At any time you can tilt the mosquito net creating a window between the net and hammock to look around, reach for something, or just talk to your friends. By blocking the second slide at the end of the hammock you can unzip the net directly above your head and, for example, admire the stars. The rest of the body is covered with a zippered hammock material to create a characteristic, safe cocoon. The slider connects the edges of the hammock by 2/3 of its length, from the feet to the head.
The Bushbed is equipped with a handy pocket for all the essentials. The pocket is placed over the head in order to make the content (eg. phone, headlamp, glasses) easily accessible. The Bushbed is packed into a travel bag with a tiny hole on the bottom. The hammock rope can be run through this hole so it will never be lost. During the day, the mosquito net can be stored in this bag. Both the hammock and canopy are made of the parachute fabric. Thanks to that they are airy, yet splash resistant.
The load capacity of the BushBed is 200kg; its size is 2,8m x 1.4m, therefore even a very tall person can sleep comfortably in both the classical and Brazilian positions. Two additional carabiners for assembly and 4m of ridgeline for hanging mosquito nets are also included. The weight, together with the mosquito net, is just 0.65 kg. That makes it one of the lightest hammock with a net.
Size: 3 x 1,45m
Weight: 0,65kg
Max. loading: 200kg
Eyelet diameter: 1mm
Properties: Physical parameters of the products (such as weight or dimensions) may differ from the specification within ~ 3%.
2x hanging ropes
2x ULTRALIGHT carabiners
4m ridgeline
Tarp sold separately.
Celkové hodnotenie | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Celkové hodnotenie |
ľahká a pohodlná hojdacia sieť, vhodná na turistiku. Ľahké plátno, vnútorné vrecko na drobnosti, možnosť uzavretia hojdacej siete na polovici jej dĺžky a moskytiéra v cene.
systém siete proti komárom, ktorý je možné použiť navyše, nie je príliš intuitívny a vyžaduje si prax, aby ste ho mohli ľahko ovládať (Prečo systém ide tam a späť pomocou lana, aby ste ho umiestnili?)
nástavce poskytnuté pre stojany na hojdaciu sieť vyžadujú použitie náhradných popruhov a karabín, aby bolo možné hojdaciu sieť bezpečne zavesiť na stromy.
Celkové hodnotenie |
To je to, za čo platíte. Kvalita je ok. Sieťka moskito sa dá trochu nešikovne navliecť alebo otvárať do „parkovacej polohy“.
Hojdacia sieť je jednoduchá hojdacia sieť s posteľnou bielizňou „banánová poloha“, pretože v nej nemôžete ležať diagonálne: je príliš úzka, pozri tiež nasledujúci bod! Má zips na zapínanie od chodidiel až po pupok, čo môže byť v niektorých podmienkach príjemné, no spať v ňom dlhší čas je možné len vtedy, ak vás v tejto banánovej polohe (zakrivená posteľná bielizeň) nebolí chrbát.
Celkové hodnotenie |
Na základe niekoľkých použití funguje a je odolný aj pod 125 kg. Videá výrobcu na Youtube sú čiastočne zastarané, zrejme zo staršieho modelu. Pripevnenie siete proti hmyzu a vedenie strún museli byť trochu prekvapené, aby fungovalo, ako má. Balí sa späť do vlastného vrecka s primeranou ľahkosťou, pokiaľ ho starostlivo zabalíte od začiatku a pritlačíte ho k zadnej časti vrecka.