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Описание товараTraditional sharpening stone of phyllites.
The main minerals are quartz, feldspar and mica. The sharpener also includes a groove for sharpening hooks. The sharpening stone is in a handy leather sheath
1. Moisten the stone with water.
2. Both sides of the blade are sharpened in a rotating motion along the blade angle.
Keep the knife sharpening angle according to the blade bevel. Lynx knives at a 0.5cm angle and Lapp knives at a 0.7cm angle. (22 degrees)
3. In the end the burr is neutralised with a few strong strokes on both sides with a slightly sharper angle than when sharpening (as if cutting thin shave from the stone).
When sharpening scissors remember to grind with parallel strokes and only to grind the cutting edge (do not touch the flat side).
You can sharpen a cheese slicer with the sharp end of the stone. With the narrow end of the stone you can reach other awkward places. Y ou can use the stone as a nail file or to sharpen hooks, various chisels, scythes, and sicldes.
Размер товара в упаковке или размер торговой упаковки составляет 130 x 55 x 30 mm.
Вес0,127 kg(с торговой упаковкой 0,2 kg)
Гарантийный срок36 мес.
Страна-производитель Эстония
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