Lonely Planet Diving & Snorkeling Philippines

Lonely Planet Diving & Snorkeling Philippines

Специальная цена
11,74 + расходы на доставку
До окончания предложения
Наша нормальная цена 14,68 €
Цена с НДС 10 %


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Данный товар не может быть заказан в объеме, превышающем имеющийся на складе.
Приблизительно 7 - 30 день(дней) от заказа. Надежность оценки довольно хорошо.

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Описание товара
With more than 7,000 islands and countless coral reefs, the Philippines offers a plethora of diving opportunities. Whether it`s snorkeling alongside whale sharks, cruising with mantas or thresher sharks, exploring WWII wrecks or simply hanging out near the kaleidoscopic walls and reefs, this tropical paradise will fascinate divers of all skill levels and interests. Divers and snorkelers can don their fins and swim out from white-sand beaches to shallow coral gardens, or enjoy live-aboard diving among some of the finest dive sites in the world. This book describes more than 120 of the country`s best dive sites.

You`ll get specific information on:

- dive site depth range, access and conditions
- common and hazardous marine life
- topside activities and attractions
- diving services and live-aboards
- 23 easy-to-read maps

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