Prepare for autumn foliage

Новостные письма by / Toimisto-Jorma, 17.8.2022

Late summer vibes

Finland's nature is beautiful as it prepares for autumn to come. The air is still warm and the scents of the forest invites you to explore the current phenomenons. Depending on local rainfall and location the harvest season is also beginning: blueberries, clowdberries mushrooms and later on cowberries and cranberries. This is definately one of our best times for outdoor activities!

Honouring this peak season, we have set tens of the most tempting hiking-related products on an attractive offer. The discounted prices are valid until 28.08.2022 online and in-store.

A traditional tent is not the only accommodation option. You can choose from hammocks, hammocks, bivys, emergency shelters, tarps, canopies from the world's best brands.


Eating is a very important part of trekking, so some kind of a stove is mandatory equipment. You'll find burners and cookers that are light and fast and also larger stoves to cook gourmet meals for even a larger group.

> Article: how to choose a camping stove?



Along with a decent sleeping pad, a sleeping bag is definitely one of the most important factors in the success of the trip. A well-rested night sets you up for great adventures the next day.



Great gear helps you to achieve great and comfortable experiences - especially as you can shop them now with fantastic discounts.

Our shop in North-West Helsinki is open as follows:
Mondays to Fridays 10-20, Saturdays 10-18 and Sundays 12-18.

The telephone and e-mail customer service is open:
Mondays to Fridays 9-18 and Saturdays 10-14
+358 9 454 0707,

See all discounted products in our selection >

All our clearance priced products >


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