Hanko, the best place to dive in Finland

Scufundări, Sporturi nautice by Nina P., 4.8.2017

Hanko, the best place to dive in Finland

I and many people I know think that the best waters to dive in Finland are found in Hanko.

That is why we organise diving trips there, in summer and in autumn. The waters are clear and there is a lot of wrecks. Our trips are suitable for divers with different skill levels, whether you have just started this hobby or if you are a real dive mastar, or if you have dived in warm waters but now seek for new experiences in Finnish waters.

You can dive for fun independently with your buddy, or with our experienced guide. We also organise diving courses in ideal waters of Hanko - the place is perfect for special wreck diving courses, advanced courses (AOWD) and deep water courses.

On board, you are taken cared by the skillful captain of Hanko Diving and by the experienced guide/teacher of Sukelluskoulu Aalto who knows well the local diving destinations.

What can you see there?

There are not many places off our Baltic Sea coast where you can find as clear waters as in Hanko.

After a short boat ride you'll find beautiful underwater sceneries with rich marine life. Tip: Enroll in our PADI Underwater Naturalist course and learn about the organisms living in the Baltic Sea.

The highlights and the must-see attractions are the shipwrecks preserved by the cold, dark and low-oxygen waters of the Baltic Sea. Some of the oldest wrecks can be found only after a 15-minute boat ride: there's a "cable wreck", a ship that sank in 1647-1648 in Hauensuoli, and the incredibly well-preserved Osborn & Elisabeth a little bit longer distance away - all of them in maximum depth of 18 metres.

Come and experience something amazing and unique!

What's the deal and what does it cost? The participants take care of their food and travel costs to Hanko themselves. The price of the trip doesn't include equipment or air fillings. Take something to drink and eat so that you have energy to be at sea and dive through the day. We organise trips to Hanko at weekends, and you can choose either a 2-day trip (this price include accommodation and breakfast) or come with us just on one day.

What do you need to take with you:

You should have at least the following diving equipment in Hanko boat trips:

• basic equipment: mask, snorkel, open heel fins (if you wear a wetsuit, take neoprene boots) and neoprene gloves.

• safety buoy, spool, light

Varuste.net selection is wide, and we'll help you to choose the equipment suitable for you.

Other equipment can be rented:

• buoyancy compensator

• regulator

• dive computer and compass

• drysuit, undersuit, hood

• wetsuit 5+5 mm

• weight belt + weights

• cylinders

• containers.

Big anchor near the Garpen wreck. The islet of Garpen is a fantastic biological diving destination, through which you can dive in a shallow canyon. We call it the Silfra of Hanko (Silfra is the rilf with crystal-clear water between North American and Eurasian plates, located in Iceland. This Hanko version of it is almost equally good).

Hanko is a spit that extends quite far into the open sea, far away from mainland where different factors make water muddy or murky. And you can go even further to remote islands. Marine plants live in amazingly fresh nature - this photo is taken in the coastal zone of Garpen islet.

Sometimes you meet the most wonderful phenomena. In this photo, a diver is bathing in a foam: the waves had been whisking the water against the rocks, causing a real foam on the surface. Even though I've been diving in these waters many times, this was a whole new experience for me.

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