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Savotta Hawu 4 Tent

Hawu 4:n perusversio, jossa ovipala ja seinäpala on yhdistetty Hawu 4 teltaksi.

Hawu 4:n perusversio, jossa ovipala ja seinäpala on yhdistetty Hawu 4 teltaksi.
Hawu 4:n perusversio, jossa ovipala ja seinäpala on yhdistetty Hawu 4 teltaksi.
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Ovipala on rullattu kasaan ja seinäpala seisoo keskisalon varassa ikäänkuin päivälaavuna
Kätevä ovipalan oviaukko vetoketjulla
Hawu 4:n sisätilat ovat avarat, mutta aikuinen mies viihtyy sisällä kuitenkin paremmin korpossa kuin seisoviltaan
Savutorven saa suljettua kätevästi, mikäli kamiina ei ole käytössä
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent
Materiaali: Hawu -telttojen materiaalia etsittiin todella pitkään. Viimein löytyi riittävän kestävä erikoiskangas, jonka ominaisuudet ovat kaikin puolin kohdallaan. Hawu -kangas on sekä hengittävä, että riittävän vedenpitävä. Erillistä sadesuojaa ei tarvita. Kangas on myös paloa edistämätön ja homesuojattu. Hawu- kangas koostuu neljästä eri kuidusta, joista kaksi on valmiiksi paloa edistämättömiä, eli kangasta ei tarvitse erikseen palokyllästää kemikaaleilla. Yksi kankaan kuiduista on puhdasta luonnonkuitua, puukuitua, joka kostuessaan turpoaa ja tiivistää kankaan sadetiiviiksi. Kankaan pinta tuntuu miellyttävälle ja kankaan paino on kohtuullinen.
Huippulenkki: Teltan yläkiinnitys, josta teltan saa kiinnitettyä puuhun, roikkumaan tai tolpan nokkaan. Kahden telttapuoliskon huippulenkit istuvat sisäkkäin ja muodostavat kupin keskisalkoa varten.
Sivukiristys: Hawu -teltan saumat jatkuvat joka kulmasta löytyvään pikakiristimeen. Kulman muoto, kulmapala, pikakiristin ja kestävä kiristysnauha mahdollistavat Hawu teltan nopean ja kätevän pystytyksen. Teltassa ei ole sivusalkoja, eikä tukikaaria, vaan teltta pysyy muodossaan huippulenkin ja kireäksi pingotettujen kulmien varassa. Voidaan sanoa, että Hawu teltta kelluu irti maasta. Kulmien muotoa ja pikakiristyssolkea on tuotekehityksessä hiottu viimeisen päälle, jotta sivukiristys on varma ja toimiva.
Tuuletus ja sulku: Teltan huippuun jätettiin sen verran kangasta, että keskisalon kanssa huipun saa tarvittaessa kokonaan umpeen. Huipun voi myös jättää kokonaan auki, tai sulkea vain toisen puolen tuulen suunnan mukaisesti. Näin teltan tuuletus ja kosteudenpoisto on säädettävissä olosuhteiden mukaan. Esimerkiksi kamiinaa käytettäessä tuuletus kannattaa pitää avoinna, jolloin kamiinan lämmin ilmavirta poistaa huipun kautta kosteutta teltan sisältä.
Oviaukko: Oviaukko on kaaren mallinen, jolloin avaus ja sulku onnistuu yhdellä luonnollisella käden liikkeellä. Oviaukon vetoketju on jämäkkä ja kestävä. Oven läppä taittuu alas, jolloin vetoketju ei jää jalan alla tulilinjalle. Vinkki: Jos haluat oviaukon vetoketjuun lisää käyttömukavuutta, laita vetimeen pätkä narua. Tällöin avaus helpottuu vaikka olisi rukkaset käsissä. Oviaukko on korotettu maasta ja siihen  on jätetty tarkoituksellisesti kynnys. Hawu telttaan astutaan sisälle, eikä kontata märässä sammalikossa.
Kamiinamahdollisuus: Lisävarusteena saatava kamiina lämmittää telttaa ja pitää kosteuden loitolla. Kaikissa Hawu teltoissa on kamiinan savutorven ulostulo. Kamiinan käyttö parantaa teltan mukavuutta ja nostaa majoittujien ”taisteluvalmiutta” merkittävästi kylmissä ja karuissa olosuhteissa.
Oven lämpösulku: Oviaukossa on sisäpuolella liepeet, jotka yhdessä kynnyksen kanssa pitävät teltassa olevan lämpimän ilman sisällä. Tämä ”tuulikaappi” on myös erinomainen väijypaikka kipinävahdille.
Teltan liitos: Kahtiajakoisuus tekee Hawusta ainutlaatuisen. Koska teltta koostuu kahdesta erillisestä palasta, voidaan myös taakka jakaa tasaisesti marssijoiden kesken. Leiripaikalla puoliskot liitetään yhteen ja Hawu on valmis asuttavaksi. Isommalle porukalle mukaan voi ottaa vielä jatkopalan,  jolloin Hawuun mahtuu 50% enemmän jääkäreitä. Liitos on toteutettu vahvalla vetoketjulla ja kangasliepeillä. Rullattuna kangasliepeet muodostavat tiiviin ja säänkestävän sauman, joka lukitaan paikoilleen Savotan ja Hawun tuotekehityksen yhteistyössä suunnittelemilla nauhasoljilla.
Evakuointi: Telttojen liitossauman rakenne on sellainen, että hätätilanteessa teltasta voi tulla puskemalla ulos. Vetoketju on suuri ja lukkiutumaton ja nauhalenkit napsuvat auki, kun massa kohtaa materian. Tämä ominaisuus on kiva myös telttaa purettaessa. Jos kiire ei ole ihan älytön, suosittelemme vetoketjun hallittua avaamista ja hieman hillitympää ryntäystä, jotta kamppeet säilyvät ehjinä pidempään. Hätäuloskäynti on HÄTÄuloskäynti.
Savotta Hawu 4 Tent

1 279,00 + 配送手数料
付加価値税込み 25.5 %


Savotta Hawu 4 Door piece (HD-4)

販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

0179732, 141012236

Savotta Hawu 4 Wall piece

販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

0179734, 141012436

Savotta Hawu 4 Extension piece (HE-4)

販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

0179736, 141012636

Savotta Hawu Central Pole

量: 個数 +84,90 €/個数 (0 個数 価格に含まれます)

販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

0179790, 141050000

Savotta Wood Stove 400 (WS-400)

追加納入待ち 11.10.2024
販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

0179850, 141060000

Savotta Hawu Roll Chimney 2000 (RC-2000)

追加納入待ち 11.10.2024
販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

0179860, 141061000

Savotta Tent Stove

販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
販売店舗 (Helsinki)在庫あり以上 10 個数 即時
オンライン注文で即時納入可以上 10 個数 即時


Savotta GS40 Tent Stake Set

量: パック +87,90 €/パック (0 パック 価格に含まれます)

8 個数
12 個数
+31.00 €

Savotta GS30 Tent Stake Set

量: パック +47,90 €/パック (0 パック 価格に含まれます)

6 個数
8 個数
+16.00 €
10 個数
+26.00 €
納入時期お見積もり 7 - 21 日.

Savotta Base Fabric for SA-10, Hawu and JSP tents

販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
販売店舗 (Helsinki)在庫あり1 個数 即時
オンライン注文で即時納入可1 個数 即時


この商品は在庫量のみご利用になれます。在庫を超える量のショッピングカートへの追加はできません。 (Savotta Hawu 4 Door piece (HD-4))
一般評価 ()

Includes Savotta Hawu 4 Door piece (HD-4) and Savotta Hawu 4 Wall piece. Other pieces and accessories are extra and don't include in the basic price.

The Hawu tent is made up of two (or three) separate pieces)

1. Savotta Hawu 4 Door piece (HD-4): which as the name implies features the door. This half also has the port for a stove pipe. Comes with a military utility strap for keeping the canvas rolled up in transport.

2. Savotta Hawu 4 Wall piece: this is a solid piece of fabric without any openings. Comes with a carabiner and military utility strap.

Note.  Savotta manufactures this product in Finland and Estonia. Country of manufacture is labeled to the product.

Designed to accommodate 2-4 persons, represents a completely new way of designing portable group shelters. Aside from the usual center pole the Hawu can also be pitched around a tree trunk or hung from a branch, no corner poles are ever needed. One half of a Hawu tent can be used on it´s own as a tarp. The option to use a wood burning stove for warmth makes the Hawu 4 the most versatile small tent around. The Hawu is designed to survive and help you survive extreme conditions in both military and civilian outdoors use.

Extra care has been put into making the Hawu tent as easy to pitch and as multi-functional as possible. The tent is made up of two halves of which each can be used on as a stand-alone “loue” style tarp. The two halves are attached to each other using zippers, the zippers are covered by a rolled storm flap which is secured by webbing tabs. When combined the two halves form a tent which can be pitched in three different ways:

1. As usual with a central pole

2. Around a tree, the tree functions as a central pole. The rear half comes with a military utility strap and strong carabiner for attachment around a tree trunk.

3. Hang from a branch or any other point (telephone wires will work, but are not recommended).

Corner poles are not needed, the corner lines are pulled tight using specialty buckles, this design makes the tent “float” in perfect shape. Pitching is extremely easy and quick, even solo! Due to it´s special design the Hawu tent can be purchased in parts. For the basic tent setup you need the Door half and Rear half. Depending on how you want to pitch it you will also need a central pole and/or pegs. These can of course be made from pieces of wood out in the field but the easiest way is purchasing ready made, purpose built pegs and poles.

The complete Hawu tent provides shelter from bad weather and harsh conditions. However, even here in Finland, it sometimes happens that the sun shines and birds sing. During such anomalous weather you can adjust and adapt the Hawu to suit the situation, you can fold it open just a bit for a nice view or open it up completely and just keep the rear half as a wind shield. And when the weather gets real bad you can close all the hatches and add a wood burning stove and drying lines for wet clothes. For these the Hawu has a stove pipe port and tie down points ready and waiting. When you need more space you can add the Mid section which increases interior space to accommodate even more people

If you really want to get lost with the Hawu it´s easy: just pitch it around a lush tree and you won´t be spotted even from helicopters. In case a bear comes knocking or you throw a jacket on the stove and it catches fire don’t worry: the side zippers function as extremely fast emergency exits. The tent halves attach so that you can just push your way out through the joint in a hurry. You don´t have to fear the tent itself catching fire though, the Hawu is made from a fire retardant fabric. Don´t go fooling around though, you can burn a hole through the fabric if you really try and that is not covered by our warranty. The fire retardant fabric extinguishes itself as soon as it´s removed from direct contact with an open flame.

Savotta Hawu 4 Door piece (HD-4):
Door piece: which as the name implies features the door. This half also has the port for a stove pipe. Comes with a military utility strap for keeping the canvas rolled up in transport.

Door piece + Savotta Hawu 4 Wall piece form a simple Savotta Hawu 4 Tent

Material: breathable, weather-resistant, mold and fire protected special canvas.
Savotta Hawu 4 Wall piece:
Wall piece: this is a solid piece of fabric without any openings. Comes with a carabiner and military utility strap. Wall piece + Savotta Hawu 4 Door piece (HD-4) form a basic Hawu 4 tent.
Savotta Hawu 4 Extension piece (HE-4):
Extension: an additional accessory which increases the space of the tent to accommodate more people. The Hawu 4 + mid section offers room for six people. The mid section is 1,5m in width and comes with a military utility strap for packing.)
Savotta Hawu Central Pole:
In most situations, a suitable tree serves as the Hawu tent’s centre pole. Thanks to their structure, Hawu tents do not require complex pole sets. However, for example in treeless terrain, a conventional metal centre pole can be convenient.

The Hawu centre pole can be adjusted by degrees from 70 cm to 184 cm. The adjustment is done with metal adjustment pins, which come attached to the pole with string, so they will not fall into the first shrub and get lost.

The pole has three segments and is telescopic. Retracted for transport, the compact pole is 70 cm long. The pole weighs 1,4 kg.

The Hawu centre pole is compatible with Hawu 4 and Hawu 8 tents. Naturally, it can also be used to pitch other Savotta centre-pole tents.
Savotta Wood Stove 400 (WS-400):
This stove represents the next generation of tent stoves and our vision for how stoves should be. The HAWU wood stove is efficient, light, durable, long-lasting, stylish and modern.

The Hawu Story:
The HAWU wood stove is a part of the growing Hawu product family designed by the Hawu team. The stove’s primary designer Tommi Vahtera joined the Hawu product development team in days of yore, and since then he has focused on designing new kinds of heaters. The HAWU wood stove has been designed strictly according to the Hawu philosophy: Hawu products are developed and tested carefully and thoroughly by dedicated outdoorsmen. Today, every self-respecting hiker can be a part of the Hawu story.

The spark for creating the Hawu WS-400 wood stove was the observation that none of the tent stoves available was very good at its intended purpose. Tommi Vahtera and his team accepted the challenge of creating a wood-burning stove that was lighter, more durable and efficient, cleaner and superior to the existing solutions in terms of usability. For a long time, the design work mostly focused on optimising the combustion process. The final appearance and materials were decided when operating requirements were considered.

The stove’s oval shape is easy to use, economical and energy-efficient. The stove has a large heat-emitting surface compared to its weight, which is less than one-third of the weight of a conventional Savotta tent stove. The oval shape also makes the structure stable. Thanks to its structure, the stove can withstand thermal expansion without twisting or denting, even when red-hot. The top and bottom of the stove are truncated to ensure sufficient clearance under the stove and to make it possible to heat food or make coffee on top of the stove. Unusually, the chimney pipe outlet is located in the middle of the stove, leaving room for two efficient heating plates on either side of the chimney.

Thanks to its folding legs, the stove packs into a small space and is compact to transport. The legs fold out for use, raising the hot stove safely off the ground. The laser-cut leg profile is strong yet light. The bottom cut patterns facilitate standing the stove on logs in case it needs to be used on snow in the winter.

The stove has a detachable fire grate that can be removed and shaken clean. An easy way to empty the stove is to turn it upside down and fold the legs together, forming a handle. Hold onto the handle and shake the stove for easy ash removal. Replace the fire grate before use.

Tech Specs:
Material: Fireproof stainless steel
Weight: 5.4 kg (including fire grate 0.7 kg)
Total length: 39 cm (package length 42 cm due to door handle)
Total height with legs folded out: 37 cm
Total height with legs folded in: 31 cm (package height)
Combustion chamber length: 36.5 cm, recommended firewood length max. 35 cm
Combustion chamber shape: Vertical oval cylinder with truncated ends
Combustion chamber width max.: 22 cm
Combustion chamber height: 25 cm
Combustion chamber opening: width 12 cm, height 17 cm
Chimney collar height: 4 cm
Chimney collar Ø: 8 cm
Total height with legs folded out: 37 cm
Total height with legs folded in: 32 cm
Stove bottom ground clearance: 8 cm
Leg gap in use: 33 cm

The product has a 1-year guarantee against material and manufacturing defects.

This product is made in Finland.
Savotta Hawu Roll Chimney 2000 (RC-2000):
The HAWU Roll Chimney is a part of the growing Hawu product family designed by the Hawu team. The chimney’s primary designer Tommi Vahtera joined the Hawu product development team in days of yore, and since then he has focused on designing new kinds of heaters. The HAWU Roll Chimney has been designed strictly according to the Hawu philosophy: Hawu products are developed and tested carefully and thoroughly by dedicated outdoorsmen. Today, every self-respecting hiker can be a part of the Hawu story.

The idea behind the Hawu RC-2000 Roll Chimney was to develop a pipe solution for new heaters that was as light and portable as possible. Together with Pasi Ylirisku, Tommi Vahtera accepted the challenge of creating a chimney that was lighter, smaller and superior to the existing solutions in terms of usability. The chimney material was chosen after a thorough study of the available options, leading to the discovery of a brand new chimney material and design.

We can now honestly say that the stove chimney has been reinvented. Instead of the conventional set-up of several pipe sections, the HAWU Roll Chimney is one-piece. The HAWU Roll Chimney is made of fireproof steel, giving it a long service life. The chimney material is embossed by cold-rolling, which doubles the chimney’s surface area and stiffens it. The greater surface area increases the heat-giving surface, making the chimney more effective for heating. The embossed patterns inside the chimney produce microvortices in the combustion gases, increasing the draught and reducing soot adhesion. The coupling rings (bands) are made of spring steel, sliding smoothly along the chimney surface as needed when the chimney is erected or packed up.

Rolled up for transport, the chimney is a 30-cm roll weighing just 1 kg, easy to carry inside the stove or in a backpack pocket. Spread out, the chimney is 2 m long and compatible with HAWU tents as well as the Savotta sauna tent, among others. Roll chimneys can also be linked together to form longer chimneys. A chimney consisting of a few roll chimneys is suited to even a large tent.

Material: Roll-formed fireproof steel (material thickness 0.13 mm)
Weight: 1 kg (with bands)
Roll length: 30 cm
Ø: 70-90 mm
Spread-out length: 2 m
The roll is bound with spring steel bands: 6 pcs, weight á 50 g

Warning! Sharp edges! Note! Always wear gloves when handling the roll chimney! Because the roll chimney is designed to be extremely light, the material is thin. Thin steel has very sharp edges.

Savotta Tent Stove:

A reliable source of heat for your tent. There is space on the stove to make food or coffee. The stove can also be used as a sauna stove. A stove rack (have to be purchased separately) that guarantees the stones will stay in place is sold separately. The 7 flues that come with the stove fit inside it to facilitate transportation.

Technical facts:

  • Weight: n. 18,5 kg
  • Height: 30cm (+4,5cm where chimney begins)
  • Heigh with the stands: noin 55 cm.
  • Width: 28cm
  • Length: 42cm
  • Material: steel

Savotta GS40 Tent Stake Set:

Chunky steel stakes, the same stuff Savotta supplies with their military field camp tents. These are intended to stand up to very nasty abuse in sub-optimal conditions. Made from 3-4 mm thick galvanized steel, these are not lightweight by any means but worth their weight in strength. Available in two different sizes and numerous different sets.

GS40 Tent Stake Set is the "classic" version of the stakes used in the bigger military tents, like FDF 10/20 and JSP/HQ tents. Savotta has also made GS30 stake sets that include 30cm long smaller stake sets for smaller tents and tent saunas like Hawu and Hiisi 4.

  • Material strength 3-4 mm
  • Storage/transport bag included
  • Designed for Savotta FDF 10/20 and JSP/HQ tents

Stake length GS40: 40cm
Weight / one stake GS40: approx. 555 g
Weight set GS40 x8: 4.50 kg
Weight set GS40 x12: 6.70 kg

Material – stakes: galvanized steel
Material – pouch: 1000D Cordura (100% polyamide)

Savotta GS30 Tent Stake Set:

Savotta GS30 Tent Stake is 10cm shorter than the "classic" GS40 version that is used with the bigger military tents, like FDF 10/20 and JSP/HQ tents. Savotta GS30 stake sets are designed to be used with smaller tents and tent saunas like Hawu 4/8 and Hiisi 4.

Chunky steel stakes, the same stuff Savotta supplies with their military field camp tents. These are intended to stand up to very nasty abuse in sub-optimal conditions. Made from 3-4 mm thick galvanized steel, these are not lightweight by any means but worth their weight in strength.

  • Material strength 3-4 mm
  • Storage/transport bag included
  • GS30 x6 (suitable for the Hiisi 4 sauna tent)
  • GS30 x8 (suitable for the Hawu 4/8 tents)
  • GS30 x10 (suitable for the Hawu 4/8 tents when using the halves separately)

Stake length GS30: 30cm
Weight / one stake GS30: approx. 255 g

Weight set GS30 x6: 1.55 kg
Weight set GS30 x8: 2.05 kg
Weight set GS30 x10: 2.55 kg

Material – stakes: galvanized steel
Material – pouch: 1000D Cordura (100% polyamide)

Savotta Base Fabric for SA-10, Hawu and JSP tents:

A proper tent base fabric protects both the tent guests and their equipment from the humidity, and also improves the cold insulation. Onto the Savotta Base Fabric, you can safely place your backpack and belongings without fear that they would get wet or dirty. The light grey base fabric also increases the brightness and comfort of the tent.

Diameter: 4 m
Weight: 6,5 kg
Material: Polyester 600D, rubberised
Color: light grey

The Savotta Base Fabric is made from a strong 600D Polyester fabric, which is waterproofed by rubberising the other side. There is a slit from one side to the middle of the base fabric, so it can be installed in the tent even if the centre pole of the tent has already been tightened. Besides, the slit allows to fold the base fabric off from under the hot fireplace, where a base fabric should never be used.

The Savotta base fabrics are cut into an octagon in accordance with the size, so the compatibility with the same-size Savotta Camp Tents is guaranteed.

The product has a 1-year guarantee against material and manufacturing defects.

This product is made in Karstula, Finland.

個別に買うよりも、セットで19,00 €買ったほうがお得です。

Shelter type
Base Camp Tent

2, 3, 4


Jari R. 確認済購入者, 9.9.2023

Matti P. 確認済購入者, 14.7.2023
Hawu4 は長い間私の購入リストに載っていました。ようやくテントを手に入れたので、とても満足しています。テントは、数回の旅行中に3人のグループで旅行しました。生地、ステッチ、ジッパーは確かなSavota品質です。このテントの最も優れている点は、改造や組み立ての可能性と耐久性です。テントを好みに合わせて改造することもできます。各種グラウンドウェア、蚊帳、インナーテント、暖炉付き。テントはかなりコンパクトなバッグに簡単に詰めることができ、必要に応じて10分で組み立てることができます。これは私が探していたもので、価格に見合った価値のある宿泊施設です。

Ton E. 確認済購入者, 29.6.2023
匿名 確認済購入者, 23.3.2023
匿名 確認済購入者, 8.2.2023
Paul T. 確認済購入者, 27.1.2023
匿名 確認済購入者, 13.8.2022
サヴォッタとヴァルステが大好きです。完全。 :)
Pauli K. 確認済購入者, 15.3.2022
組み立てが簡単です。全体がやや重く、大きいサイズで梱包されています。ただし、バックパックで実行されます。高品質のジッパーと素材。取り付けコードは少し短く、太いプラスチックコードです。それらは最終的にパラコードに置き換えることができます。 パッケージには積み重ねの手順はなく、壁の部分にはカラビナフックがあります。高価な。
Victoria S. 確認済購入者, 6.3.2022
匿名 確認済購入者, 18.11.2021
全て見る (13) コメントを追加する


Savotta Gear: Hawu tent



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