HYBRID FLY LINE is what you want it to be! It is a shooting head with an integrated running line. The line consists of a running line integrated into the head. Hybrid tips are sold separately. We are giving you the option to choose what you want from this line. First choose your style.
Scandi, Skagit, Switch or Single Handed. Then select the proper weight of the belly for your selected style from our recommendation chart. Lastly buy a separately sold tip in the length you desire. All Hybrid tips will work on all Hybrid fly lines. You can also use our ACE T-tips.
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 150 x 150 x 20 mm.
重量0.1 kg(製品パッケージ込 0.12 kg)
保証期間12 ヶ月
製造国 イギリス