PADI Dry Suit Diver

PADI Dry Suit Diver

PADI Dry Suit Diver

269,00 + 配送手数料
付加価値税込み 25.5 %
Vipカスタマーは 割引の対象外です。


Let's agree on your course's starting date - we have new courses starting almost every week.

Date of birth (必須)

First name (必須)

Family name (必須)

Phone number (必須)

E-mail (必須)

Equipment for the course? (必須)

DIVING INSURANCE /company & ins. no. (必須)
I have diving insurance

Measurements for equipment (必須)
height, weight, shoe size

日付: Let's agree on your course's starting date - we have new courses starting almost every week.



一般評価 ()


PADI Dry Suit Diver Course

Why should I take this course?

New to diving in Finland? Want to stay warm while diving? Want to extend your scuba diving season? Then dive with a dry suit. A dry suit seals you off from the water and keeps you comfortable, even in surprisingly cold water. There is incredible diving in the world’s cooler regions and in some areas, conditions are even better in colder months. Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often.

What will you learn?

The first thing you’ll discover is which dry suit style and accompanying undergarments are right for you and the diving you’ll do. Then you’ll learn how to take care of your dry suit. During two open water dives, in addition to one confined water dive, you’ll practice:

  • Putting on and taking off your dry suit with minimal assistance.
  • Mastering buoyancy control using your dry suit.
  • Dive safety procedures when using a dry suit.
The first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit and how this certifivcation helps you towards the most wanted Master Scuba Diver -certification.

What equipment will I need?

Considering this as a continuing education course, we require each student to have their own ABC's:
• Mask
• Snorkel
• Fins (Open heel!!)
• Gloves for open water dives

The following can be rented through us :
• Dry Suit
• Undergarnment
• Hood
• Regulator
• Dive computer
• Compass
• Weights (included in course price)
• Tanks (included in course price)

Highly recommended:
• Dive torch

How can I sign up?

Drop us an email or sign up to the course here at our web page. We will continue with being in touch with you to schedule a time to pick up the needed material and fill in the necessary paperwork. At the same time we can check out any personal equipment you will need for the course.

By reading the manual and watching the video before class, you’ll be ready to meet your instructor and the rest of the course group on a theory evening, which will coach you forward towards the confined water session leading to the open water dives!

Course price includes:

- PADI Dry Suit course -book & dvd.
   Book has to be read in advance before the theory evening, and homework has to be done.
- One theory evening 
- One pool session at SukellusAreena
- Two open water dives 
-  Weights and Air tanks, or air fills into your own tanks
- PADI Dry Suit -certification 
   All PADI certifications are e-cards, you can download your own app from here:

In case you would need more practise in pool before entering the open water, well arrange extra pools, price 100 euros / pool session.


  • Reasonable physical health.
  • If you’re at least 10 years old and certified as a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or higher, you can enroll in the Dry Suit Diver course.
  • Valid diver insurance ; e.g DAN. If you don't have one you can purchase it from here.
All course sign ups are binding. In order to secure your enrollment, the coursefee needs to be paided for and materials picked up.
Cancellation policy: 14 days
If you cancel later then 14 days, minimum 7 days before the course starts, we charge 50% of the course fee.
If the course is cancelled later then 7 days, no refund is given.

PADI jatkokurssien hallinnollinen lomake.pdf
Sukeltajan terveysselvitys.pdf
Sukeltamisen yleiset turvallisuussäännöt – todiste tiedoksisaannista.pdf

Jarmo L. 確認済購入者, 6.11.2023
Conny D. 確認済購入者, 18.8.2023
Janne L. 確認済購入者, 12.9.2019
Risto K. 確認済購入者, 19.7.2019
アイスランドの大陸プレート間でダイビングを計画している場合は、必需品です。 リーダーとしてのプロ。大きな親指!
Janne L. 確認済購入者, 13.11.2018
Mikko S. 確認済購入者, 6.1.2018
カスタマーサービス Nina P. 23.1.2018
スナックのフィードバックをありがとう!春にそこから水が開き、氷の後に視覚的に適度に見えるようになる限り、...禁酒、禁酒! t:ニーナ
Antero P. 確認済購入者, 17.10.2017




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