Versatile smoking box for open fire or, for example, gas grill.
The smoking box with two griddles cooks a lot of delicious food at once. Can be used in a versatile way on an open fire, grill or gas grill. The fat plate makes cleaning easier. Made of stainless steel.
Place the smoking box firmly onto the fire pit. The smoking box an also be put on to a gas or charcoal grill grating. Sprinkle fine alder chunks or chips to the bottom of the smoking box. To get additional colour or taste, you can add juniper branches or 2–3 sugar cubes.
Place the fat plate onto the smoking chips. Put the gutted and unscaled fish to be smoked onto the grating, lift the griddles on the fat plate into the smoking box and put the lid onto the smoking box. You can add salt to the fish also after smoking.
Smoke the fish for 20–50 minutes, depending on the size of the fish and intensity of the fire. The fish is ready when the fins and backbones come off easily. Once the fish is cooked, lift the smoking box away from the fire pit. The fish can burn if the fire is too hot.
Always clean the smoking box, fat plate and grille carefully after use, as brine dripping from the fish can corrode stainless steel.
Freight weight: 4.427 kg
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