商品説明-An entirely new design back plate for improved ergonomics: the user can stand straight and at the same time the tank against the back remains straight.
PowerGrip-tank strap and fastening system makes containers easier to mount.
The left-side of the knife mounting holes
-On the right side of the pocket octolle
A vest-II ™ patented SureLock weight of the release mechanism which removes a single pull of the pockets by weight of an emergency.
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 500 x 600 x 200 mm.
重量4.5 kg(商品は軽い製品パッケージの場合もあります。)
保証期間12 ヶ月
製造国 メキシコ
ご意見・ご感想 8