商品説明A trusted companion for outdoorsmen and –women, something you can always rely on. This frame rucksack endures everything you endure. The thousands of tales told about this rucksack since 1980 are evidence of its durability. The pockets will hold everything you need. The ergonomically shaped padded harness and hip-belt are good for your comfort. The ergonomically shaped padding in the waistecoat and hip-belt provide you with comfort. In 2009, Kauppalehti OPTIO voted the 906 as best of its kind.
Technical facts:
Weight: ca. 3 kg
Capacity: ca. 85 l
Material: PUR polyester
Frame: DUR aluminium
Colour: olive green
Features a double compartment with a security pocket inside for valuables. 7 outer pockets with capacious tube pockets on the sides.
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 500 x 900 x 250 mm.
☆☆☆☆☆ Jos olet hankkimassa huippuluokan putkirunkoista rinkkaa, suosittelemme varauksetta 906:sta.
原材料Polyuretan-coated polyester性別女性,
重量3 kg(製品パッケージ込 3.9 kg)
容量85 リットル
保証期間12 ヶ月
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