14 - 30 日 ご注文から. 信頼度 良好.
商品説明 SPORTSGYRO™ 250HZ CLASSIC™ will reach 16,000rpm without vibration. Improves golf, tennis, martial arts, climbing, cycling, squash, hockey, bowling, cricket, drumming, guitar, piano Medically endorsed solution for RSI, Carpal Tunnel, WRULDs, broken bones Computer balanced. Fitted with tactile grip band for easy holding. An LCD speed meter can be fitted at a later stage if required. Supplied with 2 starting cords. Instruction CD included.
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 250 x 160 x 100 mm.
重量0.3 kg(製品パッケージ込 0.32 kg)
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