The Absolute 9-110 is a high quality chain. It has been developed for bicycles that are parked for a longer period of time in a busy area with a high theft risk (for example in a city or at a station). The chain has a Sold Secure Gold, SBSC and ART 2 star -certifications. The Absolute is 110 cm long, so you can easily attach your bike to a pole or fence. The diameter of the hardened steel links is 9 mm and the cylinder has a cover. This means that the cylinder is protected against moisture and dirt, this will expand the lifespan of the chain. Furthermore, there is a strong polyester cover around the chain that ensures that your bicycle will not be scratched by the lock.
Safety level 14
Complies with the Sold Secur Gold, SBSC and ART 2 star approval
Cutting force up to 73 Kn
Anti drilling plate in cylinder
Hardened steel chain
Strong polyester sleeve to prevent damage
Key cover to protect from moist and dirt
Stainless steel details
Suitable for: cargo bikes, speed pedalecs, E-bikes and city bikes
Number of keys: 2
Technical Features
Automatic Click-in: No
Cylinder protected against dust dirt: Yes
Protection against drilling: Yes
Product: 2730 g
Packed weight: 2740 g
Lock Length: 110 cm
Product Length: 560 mm
Product Width: 80 mm
Product Height: 45 mm
Diameter link: 9 mm
Packed dimensions: 560 x 80 x 45 mm
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 560 x 80 x 45 mm.
重量 2.73 kg (製品パッケージ込 2.74 kg)
製造国 オランダ
匿名確認済購入者, 28.8.2024
— オリジナルを見る
Janne L.確認済購入者, 20.8.2024
— オリジナルを見る
フレームまたはフロントタイヤをロックするのに十分な長さの非常に巨大なチェーンロック。運転中に保管場所を見つけるには、ロックの長さと重量のため、少し工夫する必要があります。自転車ラックには多くの種類があり、すべての自転車ラックの近くに適切な支柱やブラケットがあるとは限らないため、私は U 字ロックや折りたたみロックよりもチェーン ロックを好みます。