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Canadapulkan Terrain Sleigh Canada

Canadapulkan Terrain Sleigh Canada

413,15 + 配送手数料
通常価格 449,00 €
付加価値税込み 25.5 %


販売店舗 (Helsinki)棚の中0 個数
オンライン注文で即時納入可0 個数

大体 14 - 30 日 ご注文から. 信頼度 良好.


一般評価 ()


The Terrain Sleigh Canada is special designed for hunters to make it easier to transport the animals. However due to its features it can also be used to transport timber or other objects. The sleigh is easy to handle and drag over any type of terrain. The sleigh is easy to keep clean, is extremely durable and impact resistant. The total weight is approximately 31 lbs.

The Terrain Sleigh CANADA is tested by a licensed game act during several hunting seasons. With the hunters help Canadapulkan has developed the special features that the Terrain Sleigh CANADA has. Among other qualities the Terrain Sleigh CANADA also helps you save a lot of energy while transporting animals, timber or other things.

The Terrain Sleigh CANADA also works perfectly for farm work or for transporting other heavy things in terrain. The special design makes the Terrain Sleigh CANADA hygienic to use, since no dirt will reach the animal. The sleigh will also protect the animals’ fur from getting ruined while dragged. After use, the Terrain Sleigh CANADA is very easy to clean.

The Terrain Sleigh CANADA is also tested for timber dragging by a tractor or other vehicle. Again the special designed features will make the work easier; the
timber won’t get stuck or get destroyed by the terrain. The animal, timber or other object won’t fall off the sleigh when the drag rope is drawn through the hole in the front of the sleigh and then around the object. The ropes on the inside of the sleigh could be used to secure the animal on the sleigh, or back sacks and other hunting equipment.

Due to the round front of the Terrain Sleigh CANADA it’s easy to drag and it follows the terrain without getting stuck on stones etc. The plastic material HD Polyether, of which it’s made, works well in all kinds of weather conditions. The Terrain Sleigh CANADA can get squeezed through trees or stones, and it can be dragged over all types of terrain without breaking!

The features of the Terrain Sleigh CANADA are much better in comparison to a sleigh made out of glass fiber. HD Polyether is much lighter and more durable. The Terrain Sleigh CANADA is easy to handle and the total weight is only 14 kg (approximately 31 lbs). The Terrain Sleigh CANADA is easy to transport inside station wagons or on top of cars.

Material: 0.3 in thick HD-Polyether
Length: 91.9 in
Width: 35.4 in
Weight: approx 31 lbs.

大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 1000 x 2350 x 500 mm.

この商品の配送方法は以下です。 配送方法:
- 当店舗でのお引き取り

14 kg
(製品パッケージ込 15 kg)

匿名 確認済購入者, 6.8.2022
船尾に乗り上げる棒の底にターポリンを張りました。バテンが上にあり、ターポリンをバテンの上に折り畳んだキャビン。ターポリンには紐がついており、紐には棒がついています。ここでは、キャビンを氷上に引き上げる際に、欠けていた後部を交換しました。森や木などから引っ張ります。 ループが付いているので、ポールに簡単に取り付けられます。ヘラジカは棒で引っ張られていません。鹿のグループが使用するスティックよりも 1000 倍優れていると私は主張します。 棒の丸みからもわかるように、雪上で引っ張ると障害物をうまくかわすことができて重宝します。同時に、スティックがそれ自身の牽引能力の最大値に近づくと、その回避機能は少し厄介です.後ろに衝突しないようにゆっくりとブレーキをかけることを覚えていれば、そりを引くときにうまくいくと思います。または、スレッドとスティックの間にドローバーを作成します。森から木を運ぶ多くの場合、スノーモービルのそりよりもうまく機能すると私は主張します. 使用目的に適した良い製品です。保管や運搬の際、当然多くのスペースを取ります。
Riikka J. 確認済購入者, 4.11.2021

