Fully featured photo-taking
The TG-3 compact digital camera is the ultimate TOUGH performer. With the right outdoor gear, it enables you to easily capture all the action-packed fun. This includes outstanding functionality, great ergonomics for easy handling and a high-end texture that also keeps the TG-3 looking good even after rugged use.
Underwater or on the slopes
Whether in the summer or in the winter, make sure you have the TG-3 with you at all times. The housing’s sealing is so tight that it can handle splashes and even dives down to 15 metres under the water. And it is ready for hitting the slopes in freezing-cold weather down to –10°C – capturing amazing wintertime photos or Full HD movies all the way down the run.
Mountaineering and more
So you can live your passion of mountain climbing or hiking virtually without a worry, the TG-3 compact digital camera features a shockproof and crushproof build that takes falls from a height of 2.1 metres or impacts of 100 kilograms. Its rugged construction also means that dusty environments are no match for the TG-3.