Lonely Planet Caribbean Islands

Lonely Planet Caribbean Islands

Prezzo campagna
16,28 + costi di consegna
L'offerta è valida ancora per
Prezzo normale 18,90 €
Il prezzo IVA inclusa 10 %


Negozio (Helsinki)sullo scaffale0 pz
Disponibile subito su negozio online0 pz

Di questo prodotto non è possibile ordinare un numero superiore che disponiamo nel magazzino.
Approssimativamente 7 - 30 giorno/giorni dall'ordine. L'affidabilità della stima è abbastanza buono.

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Descrizione del prodotto
With amazing culture, beaches, activities and weather - not to mention the rum - the Caribbean is a joyous riot of islands offering the ultimate escape.Inspiring photo essays feature the music, history, cuisine, wildlife and breathtaking natural beauty of this burgeoning destination. Advice-filled features on planning your Caribbean wedding, diving & snorkelling, travelling with children and more.
Sixty-five islands covered, 13 expert authors, 500 days (and nights) of research, 874 gorgeous beaches
Cruising feature
Clear, easy-to-use maps and inspirational photos
Comprehensive planning tools and easy to read layout
Our promise: You can trust our travel information because Lonely Planet authors visit the places we write about, each and every edition. We never accept freebies for positive coverage, and you can rely on us to tell it like we see it.

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