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Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit

Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit

Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit
Shooter's Choice Gun Bluing Kit

39,87 + szállítási költségek
Az árajánlat -ig érvényes
Normálár 46,90 €
Az ár tartalmazza az ÁFÁ-t 25.5 %


Üzlet (Helsinki)polcon0 db
Webáruházból azonnal szállítható0 db

Ezt a terméket csak abban a mennyiségben tudjuk kínálni, amennyi raktáron van.
Körülbelül 30 - 90 nap(ok) a rendeléstől számítva. A megadott szállítási idő valószínűsége jó.

Értesítést kérek, ha a termék újból raktárra érkezik

Looking to touch up an old gun or give it new life with a complete re-bluing? The Gun Blue kit by Shooter’s Choice is a cold blue two part process that bonds to and colors the metal. It includes everything you need – including applicators – to get your gun blue job done. Includes enough chemicals for up to 3 complete re-blue’s or dozens of touch ups. Like factory blue, it produces a beautiful, durable finish. This easy to apply product includes Gun Blue (2 oz.), Gun Cleaner Gel (1 oz.), Curing Agent (0.5 oz.), Lubricant (0.5 oz.) plus applicators, microfiber cloth, steel wool and scour pads. Be sure to follow comprehensive instructions to achieve desired results. DO NOT USE acetone, solvents, cleaners, degreasers, rust removers or any chemicals other than Shooter’s Choice Gun Cleaner Gel to prepare the metal prior to refinishing. These products can leave residues in the pores of the metal and interfere with the bonding process of Shooter’s Choice Gun Blue.

Product Features:

Cold blue two part process bonds to and colors the metal 
Great for touch-ups or complete re-bluing 
Up to 3 complete re-blue’s or dozens of touch-ups 
Like factory blue and produces a beautiful, durable finish 
Easy to apply 
Everything you need including applicators, steel wool, scour pads and microfiber cloth 

Kérjük, írd meg saját észrevételedet!


Shooter's Choice Gun Blue & Black Kits


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