PADI Open Water Diver + Dry Suit speciality certification

PADI Open Water Diver + Dry Suit speciality certification

PADI Open Water Diver + Dry Suit speciality certification
PADI Open Water Diver + Dry Suit speciality certification
PADI Open Water Diver + Dry Suit speciality certification

749,00 + tarne kulud
Hinnas sisaldub käibemaks 25.5 %
VIP-kliendid ei saa sellele tootele allahindlust.


PADI Open Water Diver - referral (OWD)

Maanantai 21.10.2024 klo 17. Teoria e-learning.
Välja müüdud

Date of birth (kohustuslik)

First name (kohustuslik)

Family name (kohustuslik)

Phone number (kohustuslik)

E-mail (kohustuslik)

Measurements for equipment (kohustuslik)
height, weight, shoe size

Kuupäev: Maanantai 21.10.2024 klo 17. Teoria e-learning.

PADI Open Water Diver - open water dives

Kauplus (Helsinki)riiulis0 tk
Veebipoes kohe saadaval0 tk

The maximum amount of this product you can order is the amount we have in stock. (PADI Open Water Diver - referral (OWD))
Üldhinnang ()

Toote kirjeldus

We specially offer an integrated open water diver course including the Dry Suit Specialty Diver certification.

For short, you will receive:

• Study materials both for the OWD and to the Dry Suit Specialty
• All together three evenings of theory learning (2 towards OWD and 1 towards Dry Suit Diver)
• Three pool diving sessions to learn and develop your diving skills
• One separate pool diving session to practise the use of a dry suit
• All together five open water dives, which will be done on two separate days. Four of these dives will take you up to Open Water Diver and satisfactorily completing also the fifth dive will certify you as a Dry Suit specialist diver.

All the above sessions are calculated in the price, however, if you and your instructor think that more practise would be needed to meet the performance requirements towards certification, we have a separate price list for extras. These matters will be disussed with the student and instructor if needed.

Who should take this course?

If you’ve always wanted to take scuba diving lessons, experience unparalleled adventure and see the world beneath the waves, this is where it starts. Get your scuba diving certification with the PADI Open Water Diver course – the world’s most popular and widely recognized scuba course. Millions of people have learned to scuba dive and gone on to discover the wonders of the aquatic world through this course.

To enroll in a PADI Open Water Diver course (or Junior Open Water Diver course), you must be 10 years old or older. You need adequate swimming skills and need to be in good physical health. No prior experience with scuba diving is required.

What will you learn?

The PADI Open Water Diver course consists of three main phases:

• Knowledge Development (independent study & classroom studys) to understand basic principles of scuba diving

• Confined Water Dives to learn basic scuba skills (pool)

• 4 Open Water Dives to use your skills and explore!

Start learning with PADI’s home-study materials - Stop by our PADI dive shop to enroll in the course, get your materials and start reading the book and watching the video.

Your PADI Instructor will schedule time with you to check your progress and make sure you understand important scuba diving information.

What scuba gear will you use?

In the PADI Open Water Diver course, you learn to use basic scuba gear, including a mask, snorkel, fins, regulator, buoyancy control device and a tank. We will be training dry suit use at the pool and will conduct the open water dives (4dives) using a dry suit!

The course fee includes:

• Course material for home study and theory lessons

• 2 theory evenings at our classroom

• 4 sessions at the pool, which on the last one we will be training the use of the dry suit

• 4 open water dives with dry suit conducted on two different days (you will agree the days with the rest of the group and your instructor)

• All scuba gear needed for the dives. NOTE - the following equipment needs to be of your own and with you at your first pool session:

- Swimsuit

- Towel

- Your own mask

- Your own snorkel

- Your own open heel fins

- Your own boots

We can choose the proper equipment for you at the time you visit us for picking up material or for example before your first theory lesson!

Here's a short teaser that describes, what you might be waiting for - now here in the north we can't promise whale sharks, but lot's of other interesting critters for sure!

By buying this product bundle, you will save 50,00 € compared to buying the products separately.

Sukeltajan terveysselvitys.pdf
Sukeltamisen yleiset turvallisuussäännöt – todiste tiedoksisaannista.pdf
Toteamus riskeistä ja vastuusta_Toteamus edustamattomuudesta ja tiedoksisaantisopimus - Yleiskoulutus (EU Version).pdf

Mika H. kinnitatud ostja, 14.12.2023
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Suurepärane kogemus ja suurepärased õpetajad. Õpetus oli rahulik ja tagasiside julgustav, kuigi alati ei läinud kõik ideaalselt... Tundsid end vee all turvaliselt koos kogenud ja sõbralike õpetajatega. Suur tänu Riikka ja Timo. Väga hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe. kinnitatud ostja, 1.12.2023
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Õpetus, varustus ja tunnetus kursusel 5/5 kindlasti. Viimase päeva novembrikuu tuisusukeldumised olid meeldejäävad kogemused.
Anonüümne kinnitatud ostja, 14.8.2022
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Kõige lahedam asi, mida ma kunagi teinud ja kogenud olen. Õpetus oli tipptasemel, tunned end väga kindlalt, et tead kõiki kursuse asju, tead, kuidas kõik toimib, mida teha ja mida mitte. Pärast nii head juhendamist julgege iseseisvalt veealuseid seiklusi otsima minna. Koolitaja oli rahulik, kannatlik, pingevaba ja oskas asju väga põhjalikult rääkida ja esitada.
Anonüümne kinnitatud ostja, 10.9.2021
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Väga asjatundliku juhendamisega mitmekülgne kursus, võin soovitada! Juhendaja keskendus igaühele individuaalselt, kuigi seda tehti rühmas.

Klienditeenindaja Iina A. kinnitatud ostja, 16.4.2021
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Suurepärane keskkond sukeldumisareenil ning toredad ja professionaalsed treenerid.
Anonüümne kinnitatud ostja, 5.8.2020
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Tõeliselt asjatundlik ja hoolikas koolitus. Mul on hea meel, et võtsin kombineerimiskursuse läbi eelkõige seetõttu, et kuivülikonna ostlemine on ilmselt edukam nüüd, kui tean kuivülikonnast palju.

Emma I. kinnitatud ostja, 14.8.2018
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Toredad ja kompetentsed juhendajad, kvaliteetne varustus ja oskus ennast ületada! Ainus miinus on spordi sõltuvust tekitav iseloom.
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