Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer

Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer

Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer
Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer
Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer
Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer
Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer
Plankpad PRO – interactive full-body trainer

110,46 + tarne kulud
Kehtiv kuni
Tavahind 129,95 €
Hinnas sisaldub käibemaks 25.5 %


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Toote kirjeldus

Plankpad combines a fitness device with games and workouts on your smartphone or tablet. It is the perfect solution if you want to train your whole body. Planking is one of the most effective workouts. It will get you in shape, make you lose fat and gain muscles, even prevent backpain and can also relieve it. Plankpad makes the plank workout more dynamic and way more fun.

The very effective plank exercise strengthens the entire body. Arms, shoulders, back, abs, glutes and legs are trained simultaneously and highly efficient.

Plankpad comes with a fitting app with many games and workouts. Your training is much more fun. The app is synchronized with the Plankpad. The movements you perform control the games and workouts. The playful training distracts you and makes you last much longer during the exercises.

The Plankpad can also be used as a Balance Board for:
  • Working your lower muscles out
  • Increasing your body balance
  • Better motor coordination
  • Faster reaction time
  • Stronger stability
  • and to prevent injuries

Train on the big screen - against friends & family

Connected your mobile device with your smart TV to surf or ski on your Plankpad. Enjoy a big screen experience and play against friends and family.

Children need lots of movement – and Plankpad helps them to improve the balance and strengthens the entire body.

The Games

Plankpad comes with a fitting app with many games and workouts. The app is synchronized with the Plankpad. The movements you perform control the games.

The app and the gyroscope of your mobile device are in perfect sync with the Plankpad. There is a game for everyone like, Candy Monster, Duck Shoot, Pong Goal, Meteor Madness, Wave Rider, and Snow Cruisin’. And in the future, there will be even more.

The games will challenge you to collect more and more points and you will forget about the time. By playing a game, your focus is more into the game than on counting every second. This makes you plank much longer, reaching your goals faster while the time flies by having fun.

Pakitud toote või tootepakendi hinnanguline suurus on 600 x 100 x 380 mm.

3,532 kg(Tootel võib olla kergekaaluline müügipakend.)


Anonüümne kinnitatud ostja, 30.11.2021
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Soovitan, Tšehhisse läks kõik OK.
Laura M. kinnitatud ostja, 29.12.2020
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Muidu on tore, aga Huawei telefon ei kalibreerinud õigesti. Appi ei liikunud õiges suunas.
Judith B. kinnitatud ostja, 3.9.2020
Google'iga tõlgitudNäita originaali
Mulle meeldib Plankpad ... palju lihtsam kui lihtsalt põrandal plankuda. Lisaks annab see mulle stiimuli, kui ma iga päev tulen ja lähen sellest mööda. Ma jätan selle välja - nii et kui ma seda põrandal näen, siis kaldun pigem alla kukkuma ja tegema 20-30 sekundit (olen algaja). Ma teen seda mitu kuni mitu korda päevas. Mulle meeldib planeerija / ajakava ja hakkan tegema mõningaid muid soovitatud käike. Hei, ma olen (aktiivne) 75-aastane naine, kellel on halvad põlved ja puusaliigese protees, nii et mul võib kuluda aega, et hoogu saada. See julgustab mind ka statsionaarse ratta selga istuma, sest tunnen end energilisemana ja vähem kangemana. Polsterdus on piisavalt mugav, et mitte kätele haiget teha, ja ma arvan, et põrandast veidi kõrgemal olemine (põranda tasapinnalise oleku asemel) aitab samuti. Seisan sellel ka tasakaalu huvides. Tunnen, kuidas mu kõht hakkab juba 10 päeva pärast rohkem lihaseid saama. Ostaksin uuesti. Aitäh! Judith Brooks, San Francisco, CA
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