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A really bad product for cycling in the southern winter! Less than 200km of riding and the chains are completely rusty. Water and salt are absolutely poison for this. Some dry frosty weather is fine, but even a little moisture and rusting starts. Tested with a standard mixture.
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Careful cleaning of dirt accumulated on the chain, as well as degreasing of the chain (and carts) is really important before waxing. Melt the wax slowly so it doesn't boil. Mix the chains for a while to bathe and it will be fine. You can shave several strands, and the chains won't squeak. Is good.
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Waxing the chains for the first time was quite simple and the wax seems to work well. It is not clear from the product package what the best ratio of black and white wax is for different uses, so you can only find out by experimenting. It is worth waxing new chains, because cleaning oiled chains is a pain. With the package, wax chains many, many times, as long as you keep the wax clean.
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I switched to Rex's hot wax because of the good feedback I heard. The first time waxing is a bit more work as the current chain needs to be properly cleaned of old oils. Even though I have cleaned and oiled the chain every time after a run, the chain was still surprisingly dirty. I did the cleaning twice in Rex's Chain Cleaner, swimming and brushing the old debris off the chain.
After all, waxing itself is a pretty simple process. Melting the wax on low heat, the chain melts in the wax, stirring occasionally. The components of the wax seem to separate when standing, so the mixture is in place. I put the chains with iron wire, which allowed them to be lifted out of the hot wax. The wax is really runny and drips for a while before solidifying. It's good to put some kind of protection underneath and let the chains hang until the wax has hardened.
The expectation is that with the wax, the transmission will be quieter and stay cleaner. I believe this will also happen.
Finnish top product you can trust.
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The first 500 km with waxed chains already on the road and so far satisfied with the cleanliness and lubrication of the chains. There has been no need to re-wax yet, a light wipe with a rag has been enough. It is very likely that I will continue riding with waxed chains. In connection with waxing the chains, I also waxed the chains of two family members' bikes at the same time. They have had less general bike riding, but have also worked well.
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I, have used this product and it works greatl. It is a bit of a hassle to wax a bicycle gain, but it is worth it.
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Efficient wax, quiet, durable. Had to cut blocks for using a small pot, it's not hard