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Hennessy Hammock Supershelter four season insulation system for Explorer Deluxe Asym

Hennessy Hammock Supershelter four season insulation system for Explorer Deluxe Asym

129,00 + delivery costs
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Product description
Package includes UnderCover, UnderPad

Hennessy Hammock users have been continually encouraging us to come up with a Hennessy designed solution to the insulation issue. Hennessy Hammock users have generously shared many of their ideas with us. We have received many letters and photos of insulation ideas for the hammock which range from super-simple, ultra -low-tech inflated garbage bags and bubble wrap to more beautiful and ingenious high-tech solutions such as down quilts with differentially radiused baffles which would likely retail for more than the hammock if they ever went into production.

0,57 kg(Includes the weight of the sales package if present)

12 month(s)

Customer service person Lasse R. verified buyer, 22.10.2009
CONDITIONS. The system was tested in the area of 68º 33’ 37.12’’N by 16º 58’.54’’E, east of Harstad, Norway. Initially mild temperatures prevailed, fluctuating around freezing, which resulted in freezing rain, sleet and snow. Though this is not the extreme cold that was later encountered, it was far more testing due to the freeze-thaw effect and moisture content of the air which accentuated the cold. Minimum temperature encountered was - 18ºC (0ºF) still air and estimated at -30ºC (-54ºF) with wind chill. Maximum precipitation encountered was 7.5cm (3 inches) of snow in 6 hrs. Click here to read the entire review. ...CONCLUSION. The Hennessy Hammock insulation system is capable of supporting a lone traveller in extreme cold weather environments down to -12ºC (10ºF) in the format tested. This was dependent on the sleeping bag used and a bag with a lower comfort zone than that used in the test will similarly reduce the -12ºC figure. This figure will also be reduced by: (1) adding insulation to the Under Cover e.g. spare clothing/suitable vegetation, (2) use of the Over Cover, and (3) a solution to cooking which would also heat the living space...However, for those comfortable operating in extreme cold the system works in all respects other than the method in which one can cook, but there must be solutions out there.
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