PADI Full Face Mask Diver

PADI Full Face Mask Diver

PADI Full Face Mask Diver

229,00 + delivery costs
Incl. VAT 25.5 %
VIP-customers don't get a discount for this product


Let's agree on your course's starting date - we have new courses starting almost every week.
Not available

First name (required)

Family name (required)

Phone number (required)

E-mail (required)

Equipment for the course? (required)

DIVING INSURANCE /company & ins. no. (required)
I have diving insurance

Measurements for equipment (required)
height, weight, shoe size

Date: Let's agree on your course's starting date - we have new courses starting almost every week.

The maximum amount of this product you can order is the amount we have in stock.
This product is not for sale at the moment.

Detailed availability

Product description

Diving with a full face mask allows you to breathe from your nose and mouth, and provides added comfort in colder water.
The mask can also be fitted with communication gear, which can be useful for various types of specialty diving.


Reasonable physical health.

If you’re at least 12 years old and certified as a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or higher, you can enroll in the course.

Valid diver insurance ; e.g DAN. If you don't have one you can purchase it from here.

Considering this as a continuing education course, we require each student to have their own basic gear:

• Fins (Open heel!!)
• Gloves for open water dives

You will also need your own full face diving mask.

The following can be rented through us :

• Dry Suit
• Undergarnment
• Hood
• Dive computer
• Compass
• Weights (included in course price)
• Tanks (included in course price)

Highly recommended:
• Dive torch

How can I sign up?

Drop us an email or sign up to the course here at our web page.  

Course price includes:
- One theory evening 
- One pool session at SukellusAreena
- Two open water dives 
-  Weights and Air tanks, or air fills into your own tanks
- PADI Full Face Mask Diver -certification 
   All PADI certifications are e-cards, you can download your own app from here:

In case you would need more practise in pool before entering the open water, well arrange extra pools, price 100 euros / pool session.

All course sign ups are binding. In order to secure your enrollment, the coursefee needs to be paided for and materials picked up.
Cancellation policy: 14 days
If you cancel later then 14 days, minimum 7 days before the course starts, we charge 50% of the course fee.
If the course is cancelled later then 7 days, no refund is given.

PADI jatkokurssien hallinnollinen lomake.pdf
Sukeltajan terveysselvitys.pdf
Sukeltamisen yleiset turvallisuussäännöt – todiste tiedoksisaannista.pdf

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