Sports‪» Climbing‪» Climbing shoes‪» Children's‪»

Mad Rock Mad Monkey

Mad Rock Mad Monkey

Mad Rock Mad Monkey
Mad Rock Mad Monkey

59,90 + delivery costs
Incl. VAT 25.5 %


Mad Rock Mad Monkey Blue
Mad Rock Mad Monkey Grape

EUR 25 (US 9)
EUR 27 (US 10)
EUR 29 (US 11)
EUR 30 (US 12)
EUR 31 (US 13)
EUR 32 (US 1)
EUR 33 (US 2)
EUR 34 (US 3)
EUR 35 (US 4)
EUR 36 (US 5)

Please, select all the options.
Some items of this product are available in our stock. The delivery time for this product is immediately if it is in our stock. Otherwise it is approximately 14 - 30 day(s) from the order. The reliability of the estimation is good.

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Location Store (Helsinki): Climbing, 24, warehouse

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Product description

Mad Rock Mad Monkey colorful climbing shoes for children. Comfortable easy on and off -shoes for toddlers and small children.
Single-strap design for effortless on/off functionality
  • Heel straps for optimal fit
  • The smallest size range in climbing shoes
  • Concave sole from durable and frictiony rubber
  • Vegan-friendly construction

Technical Features
Midsole: Polycarbonate
Toebox: 3D molded

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 270 x 200 x 120 mm.

0,358 kg(Includes the weight of the sales package if present)

12 month(s)

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