Singles' Day Specials

Newsletters by, 10.11.2022

Happy 11.11. everyone

Treat yourself with the best outdoor equipment we can think of with especially tempting  prices. Have a look at our Singles' Day discount product collection from the link below:

Quality equipment makes your otdoor experience excellent. Even more awesome is that you can shop thousands of them now until Sunday midnight (the end of 13.11.2022 UTC+2, Helsinki time) with excellent autumn discounts. 

Discount prices are valid in store and online.

Welcome to visit our store:
Malminkartanontie 1, 00390 Helsinki FINLAND
We are open weekdays 10-20, Saturdays 10-18, and Sundays 12-18.

The telephone and e-mail customer service is open on weekdays from 9-17 and on Saturdays from 10-14 at 09 454 0707,
(All times UTC+2 / Helsinki time)

Kind regards's customer service


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