Wake me up!

Surfing, Wakeboarding, Water sports by Nina P., 17.7.2017
Challenging myself

Usually people concentrate on what they are good at. Nothing wrong with that. Engaging yourself to something that you really love is rewarding and it motivates you to become better and better. Diving is that for me.

Being a diving enthousiast and teaching diving courses, every week I see people trying something they have never tried before, or they come to learn new skills in familiar hobby or train with their new equipment. The joy of trying and eventually learning is always a great moment for the learner and the teacher.

From reflection to action: for the first time in a long time, I challenge myself to be the one to be taught, encouraged and motivated to try and try again in order to learn a new skill, till I eventually make it.

This time, the new skill is wakeboarding.

There is a new wakeboarding park in Espoo, Finland, called Laguuni. I was delighted to find out that they offer very easy, basic courses for beginners. Because I have never tried wakeboarding before, and my career in snow and skateboarding was a total failure, we started with easy moves at low speed.

Thanks to good teachers and simple tips, I managed to board the track from start to end. Sure, I got to know what it feels like to fall a big time (and understand why wakeboarders use helmets...).

If you are a more experienced boarder or even a pro, Laguuni is a great place also for you - just as great as it is for beginners who leave the place feeling like a winner, thanks to the competents teachers.

Products related to this post / other

Sports‪»Other sports‪»Wakeboarding and waterskiing‪»
Watersports wetsuits
Sports‪»Scuba diving‪»Wetsuits‪»
Watersports wetsuits
Watersports helmets
Watersports helmets

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