RECOMMENDED USE OF CHILDREN'S PULK (in cooperation with medical experts and the Norwegian Red Cross):
1. Children under 6 months of age should not be taken out in a pulk. When temperatures drop to –10 C, it is inadvisable to transport children of any age by pulk. It is important to remember that windy conditions intensify the effect of the cold and that it is always coldest down at ground level.
2. The child should be in good health. Do not set out directly after the child has eaten as the movement of the pulk may induce a form of travel sickness. Check regularly to see that the child is comfortable.
3. Always examine the pulk before use.
4. Make sure that the safety belt is properly adjusted, around the bag or blankets containing the child. The child’s arms should be free be protected by the covering of the pulk.
5. Make sure that the child is comfortable. Use a baby-bag or something similar to keep the child warm but not too hot. Take the child our of the pulk now and again.
6. Although the windscreen offers protection against the sun, it is advisable for the child also to wear sunglasses.
7. Give a thought to the weather and do not set out on trips which are too long
8. DO NOT TRAVEL TO FAST THAT YOU RISK LOSING CONTROL OF THE PULK. Used sensibly your pulk will provide enjoyment for the whole family.