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Easy to use start-up set with two pots and a frying pan.
Essential Pot Set is a start-up set for those who want to start cooking more outdoors, whether it be in the park, outside of the house or when hiking in the mountains. An affordable and easy to use set of two pots and a frying pan that can easily be stored into each other and create a rattle free unit. A simple design with maximum capacity in a convenient format.
Both pots are made of aluminum, a lightweight material that also spreads the heat really well. The frying pan is made of hard anodised aluminum with a non-stick coating and also works as a lid. Non-stick will make it so much easier to prepare that tasty pancake breakfast before work and it also makes it easier to clean up.
Two 1.3 liter aluminum pots that are easy to pack.
One frying pan with non-stick coating that also functions as a lid.
Enough for 1-3 people.
Comes with tongs.
Samlet bedømmelse | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Jeg vaskede de to gryder i det Primus Essential Pot Set i opvaskemaskinen, og de efterlod en slags "belægning" på halvdelen af begge gryder. Ingen steder blev det nævnt, at gryderne ikke skulle vaskes i opvaskemaskinen, og når de ikke skulle have nogen belægning, men kun skulle være aluminiumskåle, vaskede jeg dem før brug.
Nu ved jeg ikke, hvilke kedeldele der er kommet af og kan bruges mere. Dækker denne type problemer produktet under garantien?
Tak skal du have.
Hej, aluminium må ikke sættes i opvaskemaskinen. Dette er desværre ikke dækket af garantien.