275 produkter
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LASER is a lightweight, performance ice screw. The shape of the tri-toothed drill improves the bite of the ice screw. The steel tube and specific threading make it rugged and durable. Screwing is facilitated by the excellent ergonomics of the aluminum hanger.
Detailed description
Improves bite:
- optimal shape of the tri-toothed drill improves the bite into ice
- very good handling and screwing speed due to the ergonomics of the aluminum hanger
Strength and durability:
- steel tube and specific threading
- steel is treated to reduce weight and increase strength
Easier sharpening with the drill’s patented sharpening reserve
Material(s): steel, aluminum
Certification(s): CE EN 568, UIAA 151
Samlet bedømmelse | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Samlet bedømmelse |
Praktisk på ture for at vurdere tykkelsen af hav- og søis. Når modstanden forsvinder ved at dreje skruetrækkeren, ved man, at man har boret igennem isen og samtidig kender man isens tykkelse.
Også hvis du vil have drikkevand fra søen, sparer du de sidste 20 cm med at grave hul i isen med en økse, når du borer et hul gennem isen med denne