Via Ferrata Trip by Staff

Outdoorové aktivity, Lezení by Ville J., 8.4.2016

Via ferrata is climbing long distances on almost vertical rock faces in beautiful sceneries. A climber need a via ferrata belay device, a normal rope climbing harness, a helmet, climbing gloves, and hiking shoes. On the route, there is a steel cable or some other protection. There might also be ladders, bridges, etc. The easiest routes are pieces-of-cake even for beginners in average condition.

Via ferrata Gerlossteinwand

If the route is long, also take a backpack where you can pack snacks and something to drink, especially if it is sunny. Many people think that when it is warm, you should have approach shoes instead of hiking shoes. The best choice for gloves is strong fingerless gloves particularly designed for via ferrata. Even though they are not obligatory, they protect your hands from the steel cable.

Via ferrata
Sporty‪»Outdoorové aktivity‪»Knihy‪»Climbing Books‪»
Via ferrata
Via ferrata
Sporty‪»Lezení‪»Jistící přístroje a zdvihací prostředky‪»
Via ferrata
Turistická obuv
Sporty‪»Outdoorové aktivity‪»Boty‪»
Turistická obuv
Lezecké helmy
Lezecké helmy
Bezprsté rukavice
Sporty‪»Outdoorové aktivity‪»Oblečení‪»Rukavice‪»
Bezprsté rukavice

Information on Via Ferrata [Wikipedia]

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