PADI Rescue Diver

PADI Rescue Diver

340,00 + разходи за доставка
Вкл. ДДС 25.5 %
ВИП-клиенти не получават отстъпка за този продукт


Time of course will be adjusted accordingly
Не е наличен

First name (задължителен)

Family name (задължителен)

Phone number (задължителен)

E-mail (задължителен)

Equipment for the course? (задължителен)

DIVING INSURANCE /company & ins. no. (задължителен)
I have diving insurance

Дата: Time of course will be adjusted accordingly

Максималното количество от този продукт, което можете да поръчате, е количеството, което имаме на склад
Продуктът в момента не е на разположение за продажба.

Информация за наличност

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Описание на продукта

Who should take this course?

Scuba divers describe the PADI Rescue Diver course as the most challenging, yet most rewarding course they’ve ever taken. Why? Because you learn to prevent and manage problems in the water, and become more confident in your skills as a diver, knowing that you can help others if needed. During the course, you learn to become a better buddy by practicing problem solving skills until they become second nature. Plus, the course is just fun – it’s serious, but still allows for lots of laughter in between the focused learning.

PADI (Junior) Advanced Open Water Divers who are at least 12 years old and have completed the Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive may enroll in a Rescue Diver course. You also need to have Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months. You can complete this training during the Rescue Diver course. Your instructor may also offer the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider specialty diver course at the same time.

What will you learn?

The PADI Rescue Diver course prepares you to deal with dive emergencies, minor and major, using a variety of techniques. Through knowledge development and rescue exercises, you learn what to look for and how to respond. During rescue scenarios, you put into practice your knowledge and skills. Topics include:

• Self rescue

• Recognizing and managing stress in other divers

• Emergency management and equipment

• Rescuing panicked divers

• Rescuing unresponsive divers

How can you start learning now?

Study with the Rescue Diver Manual and watch the Rescue Diver Video (a book and DVD package). Come and meet us at our PADI Dive Center to enroll in the course, get your materials and start learning. Your PADI Instructor will meet with you to schedule knowledge review sessions along with your rescue exercises and scenarios.

What scuba gear will you use?

You’ll use your basic scuba equipment and will need a pocket mask to practice in-water resuscitation. During exercises, you’ll work with an oxygen unit, floats, marker buoys and perhaps CPR mannequins. Your PADI Instructor will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional gear, such as your own first aid kit, which will be useful throughout your diving career.

Прикачени файлове
Sukeltajan terveysselvitys.pdf
Jatkokoulutuksen hallinnollinen lomake (EU Versio).pdf

Jeroen P. проверен купувач, 10.5.2019
Обща класация
Преведено от GoogleПокажи оригинала
Курсът беше добре даден и подготвен. научи много.
Antero P. проверен купувач, 1.12.2018
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Преведено от GoogleПокажи оригинала
Много полезен и в същото време предизвикателен курс.
päivi m. проверен купувач, 6.11.2018
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Преведено от GoogleПокажи оригинала
Най-добрият PADI курс досега и благодаря на Нина за прекрасното и много точно преподаване! Целият ви екип е страхотна група учители - вие изисквате да учите и ние учим. Наистина работиш с цялото си сърце и това си личи и се забелязва!
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PADI Rescue Diver Course